5 thoughts for new college grads seeking to find the right balance between meaningful work and making money

The metaverse could change our religious experiences, and create new ones

  We live in diabocal times. The word diabolical truly fits; it comes from the Greek diabállein (to set at variance, to set against). We really do live in times when what used to be...

How big food companies can do more to create healthier food environments

1968 was an inflection point for the US. Is another one coming in 2024?

Navel gazing: checking your belly button can tell you a lot about your health

Nostalgia hasn’t always been a tool for manipulating our emotions – it was once a medical condition

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Ervin Laszlo
Talk of fundamental change in the world around us is often met with skepticism. Change in society, we are told, is never really fundamental: as the French saying goes, plus ça change, plus c’est la mê...
If we can choose the way we act, we have the responsibility to choose it wisely. Evidently, we can act to maximize our own self-interest, and that is what most people do most of the time. But we can a...
A more evolved consciousness means new thinking, and it is the key to a new civilization, which, in turn, is the key to the well-being, and even the survival, of humankind. You can help humanity survi...
Einstein told us that we cannot solve the significant problems we face at the same level of thinking at which we were when we created the problems. He was right. Yet we are trying to do just that. We...
My family and my community are just as much “me” as the organs of my body. My body and mind, my family and my community, are interacting and interpenetrating—variously prevalent elements in the networ...
There is a major revolution under way in science today, a transformation that is both profound and fascinating. It changes our view of the world, and our concept of life and consciousness in the world...
Had he lived today, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, would affirm with deeper conviction than ever: To be or not to be is indeed the question. This living blue-green planet, the home of humanity -- how long...