a bunch of old photos and a book containing old photoes
Image by Willfried Wende

Once upon a time, there existed a mystical realm called the akashic records. This illustrious library of deeds was said to stretch to eter­nity and back — holding within it all the events, thoughts, feel­ings, acts, and stories of everything and everyone in the world. Recordings of all the loves, all the lives, and all the adventures that anyone has ever known could be found there.

In this great hall of records, mystics like Rudolf Steiner and Edgar Cayce are said to have intuitively retrieved deep knowledge of the past, present, and future. But could this mysterious place actually be real? Could an ethereal plane of existence truly hold the whole story of humanity and beyond?

A Personally Accessible, Collective Cosmic Memory Bank

The existence of a personally accessible, collective cosmic memory bank has been proposed not just by scientists and mystics but also by philosophers, biologists, and psychologists around the world. In 1896, French philosopher Henri Bergson published a book called Matter and Memory, which suggested that memo­ries are not materially embedded in the brain but are instead an integral part of our consciousness.

English parapsychologist and biochemist Rupert Sheldrake expanded on this concept with the idea of morphic resonance, claiming that memory is implicit in nature and accounts for the “telepathy-like interconnections be­tween organisms.” He specifically compared morphic resonance to the akashic records. Another idea rose to popularity with Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung, who suggested that human beings are connected to each other — and even their ancestors — through a “collective unconscious.”

Not only does the cosmic memory field act as a database of everything that is, was, or ever will be, it also creates, records, and stores all the events of our individuated consciousness. Everything we observe, do, feel, think, make, or intend is imprinted and forever saved in the timeless annals of existence.

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Furthermore, since all knowledge is stored as mind-accessible information in the quan­tum field, all of it is intuitively retrievable. Thus, we can explain phenomena such as past-life recall, remote viewing, and various other intriguing psychic abilities. All the information is out there; we just need to train our minds to receive it.

The Thought Matrix of All Creation

Interconnected with the nothingness of metareality and the somethingness of our material reality, the akashic realm is the thought matrix of all creation. Unlike the material world, which is part of our local matrix of reality, the akashic realm is the dream­like world of our collective consciousness, where all things can be known. It echoes in the space between eternity and the present moment, an ineffable somewhereness that holds the deep wisdom of the universe. It feels like a memory you never had, a story that feels familiar, or even an invisible touch.

Unlike the local reality you explore with your thinking mind and five senses, you explore the akashic, nonlocal dimension with your intuition and your metasenses. This is the in-between realm where the eternal and temporal meet — where all local manifestations in time and space are stored nonlocally and eternally. It is where your childhood memories are stored, where your future destiny is held, and where everything you do lives on.

All this information can be read by your intuitive mind, revealing experiences from the distant past or future, even events happening in faraway places. Here, you can regain forgotten moments of your past (like a memory retrieved through hypnosis), potential details about your future (like a pre­monition), or elements going on behind the scenes in your life (like other people’s actions that you are unaware of ).

The Storage Facility for Other Lives

Years ago in IntuitionLab, I began to explore the possibil­ity that the nonlocal field is the storage facility for other lives, something that would explain the countless reports of past-life experiences. Once a year, I challenge a new intuition development group to dip into the inner field and see what information they can extract about my past lives.

In the beginning, some students didn’t even believe in past lives but were curious to see what was possible. Almost everyone doubted they could actually do it, but in the end, nearly everyone did. And they were surprised at how easy the process was. Here is what happened:

  • Each year for seven years, numerous participants (who had never met each other) shared overlapping informa­tion about one of three primary other-life scenarios.

  • Multiple people picked up on the same information, in­cluding location description, specific objects, vocations, gender, and overarching life themes.

  • Most interestingly, all three other-life scenarios have ele­ments that relate to my current life: they occur in places I have lived or visited in this life, they include talents or interests that I have in this life, and they have similar life challenges and evolutionary themes as in this life. Though none of the participants knew any of these things about me personally, they were able to pick up on correlating hidden information in the quantum field.

While this may not prove that past lives exist, it certainly affirms that we do, in fact, live in a shared information field. Whatever the origin story, people were able to tap into the same informa­tion. The students described their experience as feeling like a per­sonal memory, as though they were living the other life themselves.

Sometimes the connection was so intense that, when information was sad, it would bring them to tears, or, conversely, happy expe­riences would fill them with joy. Reading the information was not like reading a book from a detached perspective; it was as though they were reliving a memory.

Memory: The Saving of Informa­tion

Nonlocal information feels like memory because the quantum field is the cosmic memory bank. Memory is the saving of informa­tion. It is as if your personal consciousness is a local hard drive of memory that backs up to the universal storage cloud — available to be read by other people with the right connection.

David R. Hawkins presented this idea in Power vs. Force:

“The individual human mind is like a computer terminal connected to a giant da­tabase. The database is human consciousness itself, of which our own consciousness is merely an individual expression, but with its roots in the common consciousness of all mankind.”

All the infor­mation that you process, in every moment of the day, is recorded and saved in the eternal information bank of the nonlocal field. These memories fill the timeless dimension of the mind matrix and form what has been called the akashic record.

The universal field contains everything that ever happens in the world. This means that your inner “universal information-and-memory field conserves the information that creates and maintains the universe. Nothing that has ever taken place in space and time fails to enter the universal information field and be con­served in it.”

All your life experiences are conserved in the mem­ory of the universe. The common practice of hypnosis validates this idea. How is it possible to retrieve long-lost memories from our childhood or from events our mind has repressed? They are stored somewhere. Hypnosis, like intuition, works only when the thinking mind is out of the way. Mindlessness is the common denominator for accessing nonlocal information. By loosening our grip on this reality, as László prescribed, we allow ourselves to receive information from beyond it:

"There is empirical evidence supporting the assertion that the totality of human experience is conserved. The evi­dence is that our experiences are lasting 'memories'; they are not subject to erosion and attrition. Our experiences are permanent memories present in the deep dimension of the universe, and in principle they are always available for conscious recall. Experimental psychologists find that under suitable conditions people can recall practically all experiences they have ever had — for example, in so-called spiritual emergencies, in altered states of conscious­ness, and under hypnosis."

If this is true, then nothing is ever really lost; all our fond memo­ries, all the people we have known and the places we have been, all the beautiful moments of love and joyful existence are still alive in the nonlocal field.

The Universal Storage Cloud: Intuition and Memory

“We don’t have to do anything to access the field,” explained Peter Smith, author of Quantum Consciousness. “We simply have to remember.” When I first started working with my intuition, I was astounded at how much it felt like memory. So often, when I was working with my intuition, it felt like I was grasping for a memory — like when you are trying to remember someone’s name but can’t quite put your finger on it. Maybe it was Charlie or Cheri or Chelsea? Bits and bytes of the code would drop in — a set of letters or maybe a rhyming sound — but I couldn’t catch the whole code.

Could this be because in both cases — in memory and intuition — we are pulling information from the same storage field? Perhaps we store our short-term memory on the local hard drive that is our brain — and everything else gets synced with the universal cloud? In that case, some memories — like intuitive in­sights — may be retrieved nonlocally.

Could the difference between an intuition and a memory sim­ply be one of relative time? Is intuition simply nonlocal memory? Memories in future tense? Today, I have an intuition about tomor­row; tomorrow, it becomes a memory. Through intuition, I sense the future; through memory, I sense the past. But since there is no real future or past, both are relative to my place in local reality.

In the end, both — in their own way — simply connect us to the eternal now.

Your Information Highway

How is it possible for your brain to access, whether through in­tuition or memory, the information-infused matrix of the non-local field? Growing up, you were probably taught that memories are stored in the brain, but what is the brain? Your brain is com­posed of matter and nerve tissue, which are both made of cells; cells are made of molecules, which are made of atoms.

Atoms are composed of subatomic particles that form the link between the macrocosmic and microcosmic worlds. These particles of energy, including the pixels of light that form the holographic universe, are made of the information and consciousness held in the zero-point field. This is the pathway to and from cosmic intelligence — from matter to mind and from mind to matter.

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Adapted with permission of
the publisher, New World Library.

Article Source:

BOOK: The Illumination Code

The Illumination Code: 7 Keys to Unlock Your Quantum Intelligence 
by Kim Chestney.

The Illumination Code presents seven keys to unlock your inner dimension so you can access expanded states of awareness that exist beyond the limits of the rational mind. Kim Chestney reveals the deeply personal nature of the universe while offering a new way to know the unknowable and experience the seemingly impossible.

Intuition — the extraordinary ability to access information from the quantum realms — is fast becoming humanity’s most advanced form of knowledge acquisition. As you venture inward on this step-by-step journey, you will gain profound insights and discover the true power of your own inner wisdom.

For more info and/or to order this book, click here.  Also available as a Kindle edition.

About the Author

photo of Kim ChestneyKim Chestney is the author of The Illumination Code, Radical Intuition, and The Psychic Workshop. As the founder of IntuitionLab and the CREATE! Festival, her work raises awareness about the importance of insight in the evolution of individual and world consciousness.

Visit her online atIntuition-Lab.com.

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