5 thoughts for new college grads seeking to find the right balance between meaningful work and making money

The metaverse could change our religious experiences, and create new ones

  We live in diabocal times. The word diabolical truly fits; it comes from the Greek diabállein (to set at variance, to set against). We really do live in times when what used to be...

How big food companies can do more to create healthier food environments

1968 was an inflection point for the US. Is another one coming in 2024?

Navel gazing: checking your belly button can tell you a lot about your health

Nostalgia hasn’t always been a tool for manipulating our emotions – it was once a medical condition

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Roy Holman
Responsible means able to respond, answerable for, trustworthy. Most of us would probably say we are responsible. But it is often the wrong response! Frequently, we are tempted to take responsibility...
Your body wants nothing more than to be loved . Like trying to drive an old broken down car or bicycle, it can be frustratingly difficult for a soul to work through a body that is unhealthy or uncared...
What is your path? The key word here is your . There are many paths, crossroads, and choices in life. Only you -- you and your deepest truth -- can choose the path that is best for you. But is there o...
While it is important to accept and learn from our pain and suffering, what can we do to stop creating so darned much of it!? Webster’s defines illuminate as “to give light to; to light up; to make cl...
Be yourself. Just be yourself. Well, maybe this is not so easy. Does the thought of being yourself, speaking your truth, and expressing your passion stir feelings of confusion or frustration? Does it...
We may fool ourselves with borders, gated communities, polarized political parties, and assorted languages and skin colors but we are interconnected. While it is true that we must take care of ourselv...
Many ancient and indigenous groups have written or warned about the dramatic changes that would happen on planet Earth, culminating around this very time. It has been said that if we do not take care...
Responsible means able to respond, answerable for, trustworthy. Most of us would probably say we are responsible. But it is often the wrong response! Frequently, we are tempted to take responsibility...