Gotland has been a popular holiday destination for decades, but recently Swedish commander-in-chief, Mikael Bydén, claimed that Russian president Vladmir Putin “has his eyes” on the island.

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

The ancient Chinese did not view emotions in the same light as most people today see them. This different approach to how emotions impact our bodies has implications for the treatment of common...

Recent conversations about bird flu have stirred significant concern globally.

Pronatalism is the latest Silicon Valley trend. What is it – and why is it disturbing?

People who consistently run at least an hour a week throughout their lives tend to live three years longer and have fewer chronic illnesses, compared with people who don’t do any exercise.

Therapy is great. It gives you the space, time and resources to handle the most difficult challenges of life.

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Andrea Mathews
Most of us have been taught to bargain with life, instead of taking the direct route to receiving our own souls and the abundance that can be found there. Bargains always include an IF and a THEN. The...