The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

I didn’t go to India to put on a Hindu costume; I got into Vedic teachings to uncover all the costumes I’d been wearing and to find out what I was at my core. The sacred literature of India...

  Front yards are a staple of many American neighborhoods. But to what extent do yards serve as a window into the people who tend them – and how they feel about their home, neighborhood and...

Everyone has been there. You get invited to something that you absolutely do not want to attend – a holiday party, a family cookout, an expensive trip. But doubts and anxieties creep into your...

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

The path of awakening is different for everyone, and the truth is that there is no set path, as each and every one of us is unique. In the same way, no two people will require the same level of...

The Academy Awards celebrated the film version of Oppenheimer's life – it took home seven Oscars – yet it dismally failed to address his decisive role in the decision to drop the bomb on...

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Linda Martella-Whitsett
Naturally, the question arises: must we worry about every fleeting word? Many New Thought teachers caution us to watch our every thought, in keeping with a narrow understanding of the power of the Wor...
Tenacity, also labeled perseverance, persistence, and stamina, is a useful component of the power of strength. Drawing forth tenacity during unsteady circumstances means not giving up prematurely and...
Vitality is natural to us. Vitality is an aspect of our life faculty. The word vitality stems from its root, “vital,” its two meanings applicable to our life faculty. Vital means “essential” or “neces...
Every religious discipline teaches it. Every culture values it. Self-control or self-mastery is a key to power. "Though one should conquer a million men on the battlefield, yet he, indeed, is the nobl...
The Animal Messenger teachings revealed to me the true meaning of sanctuary: a place to feel safe, a place where one can be completely oneself, a place of deep connection on a heart and spirit level,...
An eagle egg might behold a mature eagle spiraling upward and think to itself: I'll never fly like that. Eggs cannot fly. But the yolk of an eagle egg contains the genetic code for eagle. Eagle is its...