a yin yang landscape
Image by M MIR

Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

In the world there is light and there is darkness. This week we journey through the two phases of earthly existence, a journey of discovery, understanding, and compassion. We are reminded that everything (and everyone) has a purpose, and that even those experiences that are extremely challenging bring with them gifts of one kind or another. Sometimes it is only years later that we discover or develop the gift from a traumatic or abusive experience.

This week, our authors share their perspectives, their experiences, and their insights to help us along in our own journey. Even if no two person's journeys are alike, there are messages and lessons for us all in every story and every experience.

We are reminded that some experiences, while they are not ours, can teach us, as well as be an example of the ways we do not wish to be. Violence and abuse exist in many forms. We can abuse ourselves through our self-judgment and criticism, just as much as someone else can do so. Once we can recognize the abuse, the lack of love and compassion, both on the inside as well as on the outside, we are well on our way to creating a conscious life of joy and harmony.

This week we learn to look at both sides of life... the abused and the perpetrator, the good and the evil, the light of spirit and the dark absence thereof. All are there to serve us on our path of learning to be true to ourselves and to love.

Scroll down for the new articles and videos that were added to the website this week.

Please visit our YouTube channel and subscribe. Thank you.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week. 

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"


Is Planet Earth A School for Good and Evil?

 Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf.com

cover art from the movie The School of Good and Evil

As I do in life itself, I look for messages when I watch movies. And because The Universe, All That Is, Spirit, Guidance, Good speaks through everything and everyone that comes our way, messages are found...

See the article above for the link to the video version of the article.

Feeling Waaaay More Messed Up Than I Thought I Was

 Ronni Tichenor and Jennie Weaver

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young woman standing under the rain

For years, I thought that my overachieving, perfectionism, and need for control were about proving that I was good enough—being the best, being perfect, was the only way to be “enough.” But a session with an intuitive coach brought something else to the fore...

Nighttime Traveling to the World of Spirit

 Barbara Y. Martin and Dimitri Moraitis

a caricature of someone sleeping on a cloud in the nighttime sky

 During sleep, the body and conscious mind are at rest, but the spiritual part of you can be quite active. A spiritual regeneration takes place that helps to refresh your consciousness.

From Faith to Transformation through Connecting with the Spirit World

 Lynne Renoir

silhouette of a person standing on the last rung of a walkway into the sky

I was raised in a fundamentalist Christian home. My father was a preacher who was particularly attracted to the words of Solomon that he must not "spare the rod" in disciplining his child.

Collaborative Divorce: A Process and a Mind-set

 Nanci A. Smith, Esq.

a photo , torn in two, of a couple hugging

Your psycho-spiritual-emotional health is the key to a successful legal divorce. Collaborative divorce is a divorce process that is fully legal and downright practical. It is practiced in every state in the United States and throughout the world.

Why Is The Number 13 Considered Unlucky?

 Barry Markovsky,

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Would you think it weird if I refused to travel on Sundays that fall on the 22nd day of the month? How about if I lobbied the homeowner association in my high-rise condo to skip the 22nd floor, jumping from the 21st to 23rd?

Diwali is a Celebration of The Goddess Lakshmi and Her Promise of Prosperity and Good Fortune

 Jeffery D. Long

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This year Diwali, a popular festival for Hindus, Jains, Buddhists and Sikhs, will be celebrated on Oct. 24, the Amavasya, or new moon day, of the month of Kartik in the traditional Indian lunar calendar.

US Politicians Tweet Far More Misinformation Than Those In The UK And Germany

 Stephan Lewandowsky and Jana Lasser

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Politicians from mainstream parties in the UK and Germany post far fewer links to untrustworthy websites on Twitter and this has remained constant since 2016

Why Muscle Is Important For Good Health In Middle Age

 Bradley Elliott

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While it’s almost unnoticeable to begin with, nearly every cell, organ and biological process gets a little bit worse every year we’re alive starting from age 30 or so.

What Exactly Are Chemicals Doing To Our Bodies?

 Christophe Rousselle

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As the production of chemicals continues to boom, how exactly are they impacting our health? To answer this question, new tools have been developed to identify and monitor hazardous substances.

You May Be Able To Learn A Language While You Sleep

 Matthieu Koroma

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We have known for close to a decade that the brain is capable of taking in new information during sleep, as first evidenced in experiments on tone and odour associations.

How Desk Jobs Alter Your Brain and Why They’re So Tiring

 Zoltán Molnár and Tamas Horvath

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A long day in the office can leave you empty of energy and overcome with desire for TV and a takeaway. But you’ve been sitting down all day. So why do you feel as tired as your friends who have physical jobs?

The Uptake October 20, 2022

 Robert Jennings, InnerSelf.com

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 Turning people against each other has essentially been the stalwart method of gaining political power by the unscrupulous small men speaking from a balcony...

How Bob Dylan Used "Imitatio" to Write Some of his Songs

 Raphael Falco

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Over the course of six decades, Bob Dylan steadily brought together popular music and poetic excellence. Yet the guardians of literary culture have only rarely accepted Dylan’s legitimacy.

How Swearing Influences Your Mind, Body and Relationships

 Karyn Stapleton et al

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Swearing was long assumed a sign of aggression, weak language proficiency or even low intelligence. We now have quite a lot of evidence that challenges this view, prompting us to reconsider the nature – and power – of swearing.

What Are Core Memories and Are They Real?

 Penny Van Bergen and Celia Harris

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What are your core memories from childhood? Can you lock in a core memory by choice? What do your core memories say about you?

How Energy Leaders Envision Countering Climate Change In The Future

 Seth Blumsack and Lara B. Fowler

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With the federal government promising over US$360 billion in clean energy incentives under the Inflation Reduction Act, energy companies are already lining up investments.

At The Brink

While, we at InnerSelf, strive to present an inspiring and positive view of life and events, at times, an approach is needed that is a bit more harsh when the truths are glaring and need to be addressed. That is what this section At The Brink does: shed light on issues that are urgent for humanity and the planet. 

McCarthy Signals GOP Plan to Attack Social Security, Medicare

 Julia Conley

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The future of Social Security and Medicare is on the ballot this November. Republicans, led by Kevin McCarthy, are united in a plot to reach into our pockets and steal our money.

This Week's Astrological Overview

Astrological Overview and Horoscope: October 24 - 30, 2022

 Pam Younghans

annular solar eclipse with bird(s) in silhouette in a time-lapse photo

This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.

See the astrological article for the link to the video version on YouTube.. 

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