Balancing Lifes Choices: How to Be Happy With Your Job?

We have been raised in a society where careers have been given much importance. Consideration has always been given to money earned, retirement benefits, chances of advancement, etc. Much has also been said about "permanency", "seniority", and financial "success".

Considering that many of us spend half of our waking hours working at a job, it might really serve to pay more attention to one's level of job satisfaction. In other words, do you enjoy your work? Do you get up in the morning glad to be heading out to another day of work, or is it a burden that you feel you must bear? Do you finish your day invigorated from your day's accomplishments? Do you feel proud of what you have achieved or have you spent the day watching the clock wondering when this workday is going to end...

Happiness At Work Depends On Making The Right Choices

Investigating these questions in order to increase your sense of well-being in every aspect of your life involves a certain amount of risk. It is easier, in a certain way, to remain like the proverbial ostrich with one's head in the sand, than to acknowledge that one is unsatisfied with one's life. However, taking the risk of acknowledging your dissatisfaction and deciding to make some positive changes is a step that will bring you untold pleasure and well-being.

If you realize that you are indeed not happy in what you are doing, the next question involves connecting with what you could do that you would enjoy. A first step is to write a list of ten things you enjoy doing. These do not in any way have to be related to a particular job or career... maybe you enjoy being outside in the sun, or maybe you love to spend time talking with people, or maybe you enjoy working with your hands... Do not limit yourself by excluding things for which you do not have the experience, the money, the training, the resources (etc. etc.)... Simply list ten things you would enjoy doing. Look over your list and select the one pleasure that you would like to receive money for.

Job Satisfaction Depends On Being of Service

Balancing Life's Choices: How to Be Happy With Your Job?Next make another list of ten things you could do that would provide a service to others while doing this particular thing you enjoy. For example, if you enjoy walking, some possible job opportunities could be delivering mail or conducting tours. If you enjoy being with animals, working at the zoo or becoming a veterinarian would be a good avenue for you. If you enjoy speaking to people and listening to their life stories, then working with the elderly would be one direction to go. Go through your second list and pick out your favorite way of providing a service for people.

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Now write a list of ten ways that you could make this idea into a financial success, and start putting them into effect, one by one. Many people experience that when they become self-employed they get an immense amount of satisfaction out of having created their own business. Though they work longer hours, they enjoy seeing the results of their efforts. This new career doesn't necessarily involve starting your own business. You may prefer working for someone else and will find that many people have existing businesses and are looking for motivated and dynamic people to assist them. Get clear on what you would enjoy doing, and then go out there and start looking for it or start creating it.

More Money Can Often Be Made While Being Happy At Work

Often there are ways of making money that are "right up your alley", and you may simply have not been looking in that direction. A client was sharing with me recently that she was "sick and tired" of working in an office, and she wanted a change, yet could not see what she could possibly do as she had no other work experience. I went through this process with her and she came to the realization that she would like to work in a day-care center, and eventually possibly open her own day care. She also realized that this was something she had wanted to do years ago, and had never acted upon.

Perhaps you also have things you would like to do, "hopes and dreams" that you have buried deep in your subconscious since your childhood, and have not acted upon for whatever reason. Maybe you thought you didn't have the necessary talent, experience, resources, etc. 

Yet, anything you have a love for, any activity you have a desire to be doing, is certainly something you could be doing. Edwene Gaines, prosperity teacher and seminar leader, once replied to someone who was inquiring how they could know if something was their "Divine purpose"..."It must be fun! If it is not fun, it is not meant for you." In other words, it serves us best to enjoy what we are doing.

We are meant to be happy, and if we follow our heart and our inner guidance, we will always be led to what is best for us. 


Balancing Lifes Choices: How to Be Happy With Your Job?InnerSelf Recommended Book: 

Do What You Love and the Money Will Follow: Discovering Your Right Livelihood
by Marsha Sinetar.

Click here for more info and/or order this book.

About The Author

Marie T. Russell is the founder of InnerSelf Magazine (founded 1985). She also produced and hosted a weekly South Florida radio broadcast, Inner Power, from 1992-1995 which focused on themes such as self-esteem, personal growth, and well-being. Her articles focus on transformation and reconnecting with our own inner source of joy and creativity.

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