Herbal Remedies: Ojibwa Tea -- Myth or Remedy?

Ojibwa Tea has a history dating back over 100 years. Believed to have great healing powers, the formula was originally prepared by the Ojibway Indians of Cobal Ontario, Canada. When an Ojibwa medicine man offered the herbal drink to a lady suffering from breast cancer, the cancer healing aspect was discovered. She drank the tea daily and slowly her breast tumors diminished until, finally, they vanished all together.

The non-toxic tea is a formula concocted of four Canadian herbs: Sheep Sorrel, Burdock Root, Slippery Elm and Turkey Rhubarb. All herbs grow-abundantly in Ontario and must be mixed in the proper proportions and harvested correctly. Details of harvesting, handling and processing these herbs into the formula (also known as 'Esslac") has never been made public Ojibwa Tea is currently being used throughout the United States, Canada Mexico, Europe, Australia, and Africa.

In 1922, Rene Caisse discovered the herbal recipe and first used it in 1924 on her aunt, who was thought to be in the final stages of inoperable stomach cancer. After two months of drinking the tea, Rene's aunt recovered and lived another 20 years.

Rene began treating cancer patients referred to her by doctors as terminally ill. She reportedly healed thousands from 1920-1940, accepting only voluntary donations for her services. 'The story of Rene Caisse and her life's work with her Indian herbs is told in a book, "Calling Of An Angel" by Dr. Gary L. Glum.

Controversy Over Ojibwa Tea

Late president John Kennedy's personal physician, Dr. Charles A. Brusch, worked with Rene Caisse from 1959 to 1962. He worked with thousands of cancer patients and, after 10 years of research, came to the conclusion that, "Essiac is a cure for cancer period." After making this statement, the Federal government promptly issued a gag order and gave Brusch two choices, either keep quiet or be hauled off to military prison.

The tea has also been used to alleviate Aids. According to Dr. Glum, who worked with the Aids Project in Los Angeles, "The project sent 179 patients home to die." However, Dr. Glum was given five of these patients. He immediately took them off AZT and DDI, and prescribed the tea 3 times a day. Of the 179, those five are the only ones alive today. They are exercising, eating three meals a day, and their weight is back to normal.

Worth Knowing About

As people continue to seek alternative medical treatments, natural medicine seems to be gaining in popularity. Whether a native myth or a true cure, Ojibwa Tea might just be worth trying - as a cure or simply as an immune boosting preventative.

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Recommended Book:

Essiac: A Native Herbal Cancer Remedy
by Cynthia Olsen.

With Essiac's key ingredients now available through health food stores, this book gives a complete account of the recipe, the doses and of Essiac's uses, and chronicles the experience of patients who have attained relief or regeneration from this remarkable herbal preparation.

Click here for more info or to order this book.