Learning to Relax and Let Consciousness Express Itself

Our real existence is as Spirit, and only in the degree that we perceive our real existence as Spirit, do we drop the false sense of life as material. Then we see that the structural life of man, animal, and plant is but the false sense of existence; that our concern for the so-called necessities of material living has been unnecessary; that although the beauties we behold all hint at God's creation, they are not that spiritual and perfect creation; that the sick, aging, dying appearances are not at all a part of real life.

When we arrive at this state of consciousness, we begin to catch glimpses of eternal spiritual existence, untouched by material conditions or mortal thoughts. As we turn from the world we see, hear, taste, touch, and smell, we catch inspired visions which show forth the earth of God's creating.

Consciousness, Life, Spirit, can never fail.
Our task is to learn to relax and let our Soul express itself.

In healing work, we must turn from the structural universe which we see. We must remember that we are not called upon to heal it, change it, alter it, correct it, or save it. We are first of all to realize that it exists only as illusion, as the false sense of life. From this vantage point in consciousness, we behold through spiritual sense the "house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens."

State Of Consciousness

We are apt to think of certain people as good providers, good earners, good salesmen, or good healers. Let us understand this correctly. It is never a person, but a state of consciousness, which heals, regenerates, paints, writes, or composes.

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The state of consciousness becomes visible to us as a person because of the finite concept we entertain of God and man. We often suffer disappointment when some people fail to live up to the picture we have formed of them. This is because we have ascribed the good qualities of consciousness to a person, and then when he fails to live up to those qualities we have erroneously believed to be the person, we suffer.

In the Bible, we meet with the characters Moses, Isaiah, Jesus, and Paul. We should realize that Moses represents the leader-state of consciousness, or leadership; Isaiah presents to us prophecy; Jesus shows forth the Messiah consciousness, or saving and healing Grace; Paul comes as the consciousness of the messenger, preacher, or teacher. Always, however, it is the particular state of consciousness expressing itself and appearing to us as men.

When we think of ourselves, let us forget our so-called humanhood and human qualities and try to understand what we represent as consciousness and then realize that consciousness which is expressing itself as us is likewise maintaining and prospering us and our endeavors.

Failure often comes through the belief that we express God, or Life, or Intelligence; or that we express God-qualities. This is never true. God, Consciousness, is forever expressing Itself and Its qualities. Consciousness, Life, Spirit, can never fail.

Our task is to learn to relax and let our Soul express itself. Egotism is the attempt to be or do something through either personal, physical, or mental effort. To "take no thought" is to refrain from conscious thinking and to let divine ideas fill our consciousness. Since we are individual spiritual Consciousness, we can always trust that Consciousness to fulfill Itself and Its mission. We are the spectator or witness of this divine activity of Life expressing and fulfilling Itself.

Behold Your Life

More and more we must become the spectator or witness. We must become the beholder of Life and Its harmonies.

Each morning we should awaken with eagerness to watch the new day unfolding and revealing each hour new joys and victories. Several times each day we should consciously realize that we are witnessing the revelation of Life eternal, the unfolding of Consciousness and Its infinite expression, the activity of Spirit and Its grand formations. In every situation of our daily experience, let us learn to stand back of ourselves and see God at work, witness the play of Love upon our affairs, and watch God reveal Himself in all those about us.

Every night we should realize that our rest does not bring to a close God's activity in our experience, but that Love is the protecting influence and substance of our rest, that Consciousness is imparting Its ideas to us even in sleep, that Principle is the guiding law throughout the night. Nothing from without can enter consciousness to defile, and this truth stands guard at our mental portals to admit only reality and its harmonies.

Be a beholder, a witness. Watch the unveiling of the Christ in your consciousness.

The above was reprinted with permission of the publisher,
DeVorss & Company Publisher, P.O. Box 550,
Marina Del Ray, CA 90294.

Article Source

The Infinite Way
by Joel Goldsmith.

The Infinite Way by Joel Goldsmith.In this collection of important essays Goldsmith describes the spiritual truth as he gleaned it though over thirty years of study of the major religions and philosophies of all the ages. He assures his readers that inner peace will come as one turns to the spiritual consciousness of life, and an outer calm will follow one's human affairs as a result. (Paperback. Also availalbe as a Kindle edition.)
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About The Author

Joel Goldsmith

Joel Goldsmith was a seeker of truth in all great religions and philosophies. He was a great mystical teacher, author and healer. In 1947, he gained national recognition with the publication of his book, The Infinite Way. He went on to write numerous books on mysticism and mystical living. He lectured on these revelations widely throughout the world. His teaching has been a source of inspiration and help to millions. He lived from 1892 to 1964.

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