An Evolutionary Leap: A New Vision for a New Epoch

I have been meditating deeply on exactly what it would take to support the full unfolding and expression of ourselves as human beings—as opposed to our current reality (which has been the case for millennia) in which we are humans doing.

I have come to the conclusion that in the old paradigm global system, in order to meet our basic survival needs, most people are doing what they do not want to do, rather than being what they most long to be. The old paradigm is set up to reward those who collude with it.

Humanity has become enmeshed in a dysfunctional global system. It has become anesthetized by a cultural conditioning that begins at birth, by those who themselves have been conditioned by the generations before them.

The Human Ball of Doing

During a conversation with a friend in late summer 2012, he spoke of something he calls “the human ball of doing.” In this ball he views humanity “running around doing.” He spoke of his wish to no longer be a part of this ball.

At a practical level the most challenging aspect of releasing ourselves from the “ball of doing” brings us to this fundamental question, how do we meet our basic survival needs? Speaking for myself, my rent is due, my car payment is due, and my bills are due. I need to sustain my body with the nutrition, nourishment, protection, and care that it requires.

How can I meet my basic survival needs in the current culture if I choose to follow the wisdom that calls from the depths of my heart and soul, urging me to manifest a more creative, harmonious, and fulfilling life?

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The Physical Body as Seer

For the past twenty years I have consciously sought to cultivate the capacity to deeply trust the wise counsel of my physical body. I came to realize, over a period of several consciously experiential years, that the greatest psychic and seer in the world is the human body. If we learn to listen intently to it, not only will it guide us further and further toward self-liberation, but it will also lead us to a level of physical, emotional, and mental well-being unlike anything we have known before.

Conversely, if we do not listen to its wise counsel, then it will force upon us unquestionable and unequivocal signs and symptoms alerting us to the fact that we have either erred directly onto a path of imbalance or disharmony, or that we are about to consider or, indeed, do something that will take us out of alignment with our deeper Truth.

Being In Full Alignment

In my own life I have been engaged in a deep existential process that has led me to an increasing realization that there is indeed an aspect of my work that I no longer experience myself in full alignment with.

What has imprinted this realization as a felt knowing is the powerful impact that accompanies any attempt on my part to make any plans in relation to this aspect of my work. What immediately follows is an intense reaction at a physical level. I become physically ill, suffer intense nausea and headaches, and become overwhelmed with crippling exhaustion. Not surprisingly, when I state a firm “No” to continuing with those plans, all symptoms immediately begin to disappear and, once again, my body is relaxed and in harmony.

Over the years, I have witnessed my own health go from strength to strength each time I was deeply immersed in the totality of the moment of what I was working on—even if that “moment” lasted for months at a time. And yet, as soon as I considered doing something that I did not really want to do, because I needed the income, my health would deteriorate within minutes.

Lost to Ourselves?

What we do has a direct and profound impact, for better or worse, on our overall health and sense of well-being. Ninety-nine percent of us are doing what we do not want to do in order to earn an income. It’s as if we sell our souls in order to survive. Yet, is that what Creator desires for us? Is that what Source wishes for us?

We have become lost to ourselves, and so have lost sight of who we really are. We have been brainwashed and conditioned to conform, as robots, like cogs locked into the global dysfunctional machine. We have become the compliant manifestation of the agenda of the global system. And so, I return to the existential question of doing versus being.

Adapted self versus Authentic Self

“Doing” what we do not want to do creates catastrophic disharmony within the Self. Whenever we do something we do not truly wish to do, even if we believe that we really do want to, our health and well-being are catastrophically impacted. The level of disharmony and disconnection with Self penetrates us at a cellular level, and it is here that the cells begin to absorb a life-denying message, in contrast to the life-affirming one of living and speaking our truth.

We live a lie when we get caught in doing what we do not want to do, or when we end up saying “yes” to what we long to say “no” to. This takes us out of integrity with ourselves and with others. If we think about this in terms of the cells within our bodies, then we are out of integrity with these too. Enter “dis-ease.”

Human intelligence, at any level of society, is extremely sophisticated and cleverly manipulates any compromising situation by setting up strategies in order to manage and cope. Such strategies include addictions to food, alcohol, sex, television, Facebook, the Internet, consumerism, the media, and so forth. These only serve to further repress a deeper felt sense of our truth—sabotaging our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health.

The general cause of illness and disease (“dis-ease”) originates from the fact that most people are living repressed lives. To put it bluntly, most individuals are living a lie in order to survive, or to suppress an underlying sense of existential fear.

And so, we perpetuate a never-ending cycle that keeps us out of alignment with the truth of who we are. Instead, we acquiesce to the demands and expectations of a dysfunctional culture and thus remain locked inside the human ball of doing. The old paradigm system is not set up to support those who wish to step outside of this.

What We Really Need

We need to feel free to forge ahead with inspiration. We need to feel encouraged to manifest our personal dreams and visions, supported by a healthy global system with a fundamental policy that invites the individual to create an enriching and fulfilling personal life. This, in turn, supports the attainment of sustainable world peace.

Such a system is not yet in place, but it can become so. It is only by locating our consciousness and awareness outside of the ball of doing that a new global society can be established—founded upon new consciousness values and ethics.

Glimpses of a New Global Society

Let us imagine for a moment the kind of new global society that could begin to? unfold if a system was in place that served the true needs and values of all people, animals, nature, and the Earth. What would happen if the money spent on perpetuating consumerism and defense was instead allocated to health, wellness, and harmony programs for all citizens?

What could be if government policy and public resources were focused on care for the entire community? What if fully funded “family health and harmony” programs were widely available to all? What if psychological counseling, therapeutic healing, and peace and rejuvenation retreats were available to all as a gift, at specific age thresholds throughout ?life: for example, at the ages of eighteen, twenty-one, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, and so on?

What would happen if a fraction of the money spent on maintaining a dysfunctional global system was reallocated to support gifted philosophers, artists, writers, poets, visionaries, and brilliant pioneers in those fields aligned with new paradigm consciousness and humanitarian values? The time is upon us to support those gifted individuals whose sole focus and intent is to bring love, wellness, beauty, wisdom, evolution, harmony, balance, grace, and prosperity to all, and to guide humanity toward the manifestation of sustainable and lasting world peace.

What might happen if the values and practice of deep care for all sentient beings and nonsentient life-forms were instilled as core-teaching elements within the global educational curriculum, and as fundamental values within the working environment? What could be possible if funding were there for all who wish to follow their greatest altruistic or artistic dream and vision? What kind of world could we live in if everyone had the opportunity to explore and cultivate higher ideals and to come to know true abundance and prosperity?

Honor, Support, and Validate the Highest Ideals

We need to co-create a new system—one that will honor, support, and validate the highest ideal of each individual, one that is devoid of gain at the expense of another.

We need to cultivate a system of nonduality that seeks to unify Self, other, community, and the world.

We need to co-envision and to manifest a new system, where none are sentenced to fall through the gap when their heart’s desire leads them to the perfect moment to take a small step or a giant evolutionary leap. One small step for man or woman leads to one giant leap for humanity.

A visionary new system is needed that supports conscious evolution and recognizes that each time an individual takes an evolutionary leap, so too does the community, the country, and the world.

Love as Action in the World

The new epoch with a new consciousness urges the individual and the collective to more fully express love as action in the world. It implores each of us to pour our heart and soul, our creativity, our vision, our light, our gift, our unique individuality, our love, our brilliance, and our humanity into its very foundations.

How do we release ourselves from the human ball of doing?

The answer to the above question requires no less than the greatest faith in love, truth, courage, transparency, integrity, inner strength, trust, surrender, vision, unity, co-support, and collaboration. These are just some of the qualities we must now call upon, embody, and embrace wholeheartedly.

We need to align the personality with the Soul—and not the other way around as is the usual case. It is this that will support and ensure such an evolutionary leap. We must support each other wholeheartedly in whatever ways we can—be that through non-monetary transactions; unconditional giving, receiving, and doing; co-support; and co-creation.

A key is togetherness—unity—being there for each other. We can attempt to take such a leap alone; however, with the support of one or more like-hearts and like-minds, we will successfully make that evolutionary leap out of the ball of doing into Authentic Living.

We are not meant to become like robots as a human doing. This is a gross misrepresentation and distortion of who we really are. We are here to evolve into our highest expression of a spiritual being. We must recall that we are a Spirit in human form. We need to remember that our Soul incarnated here on Earth to experience the phenomena of human being.

These are early days and everything is possible.

Reprinted with permission of the publisher,
Bear & Company, an imprint of Inner Traditions Inc.
©2013 by Nicolya Christi.

Article Source:

Contemporary Spirituality for an Evolving World: A Handbook for Conscious Evolution by Nicolya Christi.Contemporary Spirituality for an Evolving World: A Handbook for Conscious Evolution
by Nicolya Christi.

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About the Author

Nicolya Christi, author Nicolya Christi is a conscious evolutionist, writer, spiritual teacher and mentor, global activist, and workshop facilitator. She is the founder of the New Consciousness Academy, co-founder of WorldShift International, and a co-initiator of WorldShift 2012. Nicolya practices the principles of Sufism – the core message of which is Unconditional Love and Living From the Heart. She lives near Rennes-le-Chateau in southern France. Visit her website at