Spiritual events on this earth seem to be happening on an even grander scale than before. Either that, or we are more aware of how God and His angels work in our lives more than at any time in the past. Frankly, we aren't sure which it is -- maybe both. But one thing we do know, people are sharing their stories more openly. There is still a great propensity for people to tack on qualifying phrases to the stories. "This is weird", or "I have never told anyone else about this", or "You'll think I'm crazy, but..."

People who acknowledge their angels' help aren't crazy. If we were, we would certainly be in good company. People all over the world are having angel experiences just like you are. In fact, angel contact seems to be a unifying force. We have noticed that no matter where an angel message is received, or the culture or religion of the one who receives it, the messages are similar. Angels love, teach, comfort, encourage, support, and help you feel safe.

All of us have a need to share how the angels have touched us, spoken to us, taught us, or inspired us. We want to talk about it! Perhaps you have been thinking that you were the only one who has had an angelic experience. You are not alone.

Angels come to everyone. They come to you, too. Many of the people who write to us have already been communicating with their angels -- or angelspeaking -- usually because they have read our books, Angelspeake: How to Talk with Your Angels, and The Angelspeake Book of Prayer and Healing. Others have seen us on TV, or have participated in a workshop or seminar. But about a third of the people who contact us have been talking with their angels for some time on their own and are very excited to find like-minded angel friends.

Many times, when friends would say, "I have an angel story for you", we would answer, "Write it down! Just like you told it to us. Write it down!" Many of you did! Others were reluctant to do so because they were afraid that the spelling wouldn't be right or the grammar would be off. We don't care about that. We love the stories. The angels encourage all of us to share how they help us, for it is in the sharing that angels become more and more real in our lives.

Angels are helpful. When we learn how to work with them, they can be even more helpful. They have already taught us the Four Fundamentals for accessing angels to help us with anything we wanted to be, to do, or to have in our lives. For you who want to speak to your angels, here is the simple method our angels taught us. It is easy to learn to receive your own written communication from your personal angelic support team.

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Speaking with your angels is easier than you may think. Your angels want to connect with you even more than you want to connect with them. Here are four simple steps that thousands of people just like you have followed to live a fulfilled spiritual life.

Four Fundamentals

1. Ask: Say a prayer and invite your angels to be with you and to wrap you in the loving light of God. Sit quietly with paper and pencil in hand. Be open and allow the exchange of energy to come through to you.

2. Believe and Trust: Your angels are with you and you will receive a message. Let it happen. You are being guided although you may feel you are making it up. The message will seem like your own thoughts. Acceptance is most important.

3. Let Go: Begin writing what you know to write. Let the angelic energy come through to you. It may be as a soft whisper, a picture in your mind, or a feeling of knowing. Your angels have the same loving voice you have heard many times before. The harder you think, the less flow there will be.

4. Say Thank You: You have received a spiritual gift for which you didn't have to do anything. Simply be grateful for what you have received and acknowledge receiving it by giving thanks.

A Beginning Prayer

Angels sent by God to guide me,
be my light and walk beside me.
Be my guardian and protect me.
On the paths of life direct me. Amen

Everybody feels as though they are making their angel message up at first. We wish we had a nickel for every phone call we received saying, "I think I am making it up." It is natural because writing to your angels is different and new. But when you write in spite of the feeling of making it up, you will get a message. The message is in your heart, not your head. So write what you know to write and believe it is the angels.

As Trudy told Barbara when we first began to write and felt like we were making it up, "Well, who cares? It's good stuff. Let's just keep it coming! " It has never stopped.

Most of the "divine intervention" stories you read about in books and that are related on television are pretty dramatic. And yet, it is the intimacy of the small stories or the little moments when you knew your angels were there and helping you that really make believers out of the most doubting skeptics. Angels are not only with you to save your life when you are in danger, they are in your life every single moment in every way imaginable.

Telling Your Story

When you tell someone your story, it becomes more real, the understanding of how the angels' work increases, and the world becomes a better place. There are many others being awakened by their angels. The next time you are sitting next to a total stranger, ask, "Do you believe in angels?" You may be amazed at what you hear.

This morning, as we worked on this Introduction, the angels woke us up early to give us a start with this message.

"Angels, why did you wake us up?" we asked.

They answered with excitement in their energy.

Because today is a very important day. We are here in droves to work with you to write/finish this new testimonial of our love for humankind and to teach that we help people. That is your message. We help people! Your mission is to record the myriad ways in which we can help, be accessed and trusted. Yes, trusted! For many times we help, but our help is denied. Teach in this book to accept what is given. Accept God by accepting our help. Speed up your progress by asking for us to help you. 

Evidently the angels did not want us to miss the point that they help people, because our friend, Amanda, called us shortly after to read this message to us. 

We are here to help you help others. That's what you want and what we want. You don't need more when you give gifts of LOVE to others. ASK, ASK, ASK us to help you and you will not believe what you will accomplish.

Article Source:

The Angelspeake Storybook by Barbara Mark and Trudy GriswoldThe Angelspeake Storybook
by Barbara Mark and Trudy Griswold.

Reprinted with permission of the publisher, Adams Media Corporation. ©2000.  http://www.adamsonline.com.

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About The Authors

Barbara Mark and Trudy Griswold, are sisters and co-authors of the widely acclaimed Angelspeake: How to Talk with Your Angels, and The Angelspeake Book of Prayer and Healing. Theyare internationally known teachers, spiritual counselors, and angel experts. Their Angelspeake seminars have been featured on many national television and radio programs including ABC-TV's Good Morning America. Speaking With Your Angels, a 70-minute video was produced by the Public Broadcasting System and features an actual Angelspeake workshop. Visit their website at www.angelspeake.com.