Are You Honoring Yourself? Honor is Really About Respect
Image by Ankit Singh

The word respect is commonly used as it relates to respecting others. For example, "Respect your elders. Honor your mother and your father. Give honor to whom honor is due."

All of these phrases are familiar. But how about this one: "Honor yourself." Does that feel right to you? If it doesn't, it's only because you haven't heard it enough to form a habit in your mind and actions.

You may be surprised by just how many people don't have a healthy respect for themselves. When people don't respect themselves, it always shows. It's impossible to hide.

One way to determine if people have a healthy respect for themselves is to watch how they keep their word to themselves. If you can't commit to do for you  what you say you're going to do, then you really don't honor yourself. Honor is really about respect. 

You Deserve to Treat Yourself Well

There are people who give to others but never give to themselves. That is not honoring.

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Some people make time for their spouses, their children, their work, their church, and their friends, but they feel guilty about taking time for themselves. They are not honoring themselves. They deserve to treat themselves well.

Compassionate samurai will honor themselves, whether it's by having a massage, spending time in the hot tub, or reading. Those behaviors aren't selfish unless it's carried to the extreme of not having time for others.

If you don't take care of yourself, you'll eventually become a martyr and not be of much use for anyone else. Service is a bottomless pit. You always want to contribute, but don't fall into the trap of thinking that you can finish or complete your duty.

A Self-Honoring Practice

Do you exercise and eat right? That is a self-honoring practice. What do you say to yourself when you make a mistake? Do you honor yourself by saying that it was a good effort and look for the lesson you learned? Do you dishonor yourself by berating yourself or calling yourself stupid?

Samurai honored themselves highly. That is the main reason they felt so compelled to honor other people they came into contact with, even their enemies. How a samurai treated himself was an indication of his overall image.

It is that kind of image that others see in you, and that image you can give to others. How you treat yourself is a direct reflection of how you'll treat others.

Reprinted with permission of the publisher,
Hay House Inc. ©2008.

Article Source

THE COMPASSIONATE SAMURAI: Being Extraordinary in an Ordinary World
by Brian Klemmer.

book cover: THE COMPASSIONATE SAMURAI: Being Extraordinary in an Ordinary World by Brian Klemmer.Become an extraordinary results-producing champion for humanity and yourself! Wouldn't it be great if you could make things happen in a really big way but not lose your integrity? The Compassionate Samurai will show you the way to produce extraordinary results in a dog-eat-dog world and still maintain the highest levels of ethics. You'll learn: How to always be satisfied and motivated regardless of your circumstances Why all people have freedom but very few have liberty What competing commitments are and how they prevent you from having what you want in life The secret to operating optimally in an untrustworthy environment How to make the shift from scarcity to abundance even if you're knee deep in debt . . . and much, much more!

For More Info or to Order This Book. Also available as an Audiobook and a Kindle edition.

About the Author

photo of: Brian Klemmer (1950-2011)Brian Klemmer (1950-2011) is the author of the best-selling books If How-To's Were Enough, We Would All Be Skinny, Rich, & Happy; When Good Intentions Run Smack into Reality; and Eating the Elephant One Bite at a Time. Known for his humorous and practical style of communicating.

His character development and leadership seminar company, Klemmer & Associates Leadership Seminars, Inc., has conducted its work for more than 100,000 people around the world. Klemmer and Associates seminars measure and produce long lasting changes in people; and you can find out more about them by visiting them online at

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