young girl jumping on a trampoline
Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians 

Jumping on a trampoline, also called a rebounder, is a very popular game for children, but this practice has been revealed to provide valuable assistance for accelerating lymph circulation and decongesting the lymphatic system of adults.

What Happens in a Jump

The stretched canvas and springs of a trampoline increase the scope of each movement so that with each jump you go higher and then lower. The alternation of these contrary movements influences bodily fluids, particularly lymph.

When you bounce your body rises suddenly and quickly. While this accelerated movement propels your body upward, it exerts an opposite force on the lymph. It is as if it were pushed toward the bottom because it didn’t manage to follow the movement of the body. The phenomenon is the same as when a plane takes off. The airplane is moving forward at a high speed, but the passengers clearly feel a force in the opposite direction that flattens them against their seats. We can feel this same sensation on a seesaw or on a swing in an upward arc.

To provide a more visual illustration of what is ­happening, let’s observe what happens to someone with long hair when jumping on a trampoline. As the person goes up, the body rises but the hair does not; rather, it is pushed town and flattened against the head. Similar processes take place physiologically. During the bounce the lymph is pushed downward, which has the effect of immediately closing the lymphatic valves.

But hardly have they closed when the body begins falling back toward the trampoline. This descent is also sudden and quick. It propels the body downward, but the lymph is sent in the opposite direction. It’s as if it couldn’t manage to follow the body’s descent, so it drags behind, which pushes it upward along its path.

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The phenomenon is the same when an elevator descends quickly from a high floor. You get the impression of falling into a void and a sensation of stomach-turning. It’s as if the heart couldn’t manage to follow and stayed where it was.

To use the image of the hair again, when someone jumps to the bottom of a wall, long hair doesn’t hang down but is instead pushed upward. The direction of this thrust, though, is the same as that of the circulation of lymph in the lymphatic system. Lymph is therefore prompted to advance, which opens the lymphatic valves.

Over the course of a trampoline session, the contrary pressures applied to the lymph connect together and follow every two to three seconds. In this way lymph is pushed back and forth with regard to lymph circulation. However, the backward movement of the lymph is always immediately halted, as the valves close as soon as they feel a backward surge.

Lymph is, therefore, definitively and continuously projected forward toward its eventual exit. Its advance through the ­lymphatic vessels is encouraged. The segments in the lymphatic system where lymph is stagnating are decongested, and those where circulation was slow will see an acceleration. Its circulation speed will be increased throughout the entire time you are on the trampoline and for some time afterward. Repeating this activity regularly is a good way to gradually restore good lymphatic circulation.

Good to Know

Jumping on the trampoline also has a beneficial effect on valves and muscle fibers responsible for the vasoconstriction and dilation of the lymphatic vessels. They work for the entire duration of the trampoline session. Every two or three seconds the valves open and close and the muscle fibers contract. This intense activity restores their tone, which makes them better able to guarantee proper circulation of the lymph.

The effects gained from using the trampoline are the same as those created by physical exercise. The main difference is that trampoline sessions do not require the muscles to work as hard as they would during exercise and similar physical activities. For this reason they are especially indicated for people who are not capable of performing intense physical activity over any length of time.

Trampolines in Practice

Trampolines designed for indoor use are sold in a variety of places. They are lower and generally smaller in ­circumference than outdoor trampolines, so you can bounce on them without worrying about hitting the ceiling if you are indoors. The outdoor trampolines used by children work perfectly well, especially if they have netting around the perimeter to guard against accidental jumps or falls off the edge.

The descriptions I’ve given thus far may have given the impression that you must make big jumps, but that is not necessary for good results. Small jumps are also beneficial. They are even better for people with a weaker sense of balance or those who are affected by lymphedemas. This latter group of people can also use compression socks to perform these exercises.

How to Use the Trampoline for Lymph Health

Following are two different ways to use the trampoline to stimulate lymphatic circulation.

Simply Lift Your Heels

Stand up straight on the trampoline with your feet slightly apart, knees slightly bent, arms relaxed. Lift up your heels while standing on your tiptoes on the trampoline. The impulse will come from the front ends of your feet, but they will not break contact with the trampoline. As soon as your heels go back down and touch the trampoline, raise them again. Link these movements together in a rhythm that you find pleasant, one you can master without too much effort. In the beginning sessions should last only two to three minutes, but with training they can be extended to five, ten, and even fifteen minutes. Some people may even do thirty-­minute sessions.

Take Note!

It is important to approach trampoline work with good sense; in other words, take it gradually. By rushing things you run the risk of creating the opposite of what you intend. The lymphatic system will become tired and lymph circulation will slow as a result.

Gentle Jumps

The second way to use the trampoline is a little more dynamic. Stand up straight on the trampoline with your feet slightly apart, knees slightly bent, arms relaxed. In this exercise your feet will come entirely off the trampoline. Make small jumps of about four to five inches off the trampoline. Establish a comfortable rhythm and do this for two to three minutes. Once you feel you have mastered this you can increase the time of the sessions to five or ten minutes, then fifteen or longer.

The same rules apply here as in the exercise based on lifting your heels. Use your common sense and don’t overdo it. Higher jumps than those described here are possible over time.

What We’ve Learned

The alternating upward and downward motion of jumps on the trampoline will push lymph forward in the lymphatic vessels. In addition, the changing pressure will place repeated demands on the valves. This will strengthen them and thereby encourage better lymph circulation.

English Translation ©2023. All Rights Reserved.
Original French language edition,  Copyright 2021.
Adapted with permission of Healing Arts Press,
an imprint of Inner Traditions International.

Article Source:

BOOK: Lymph Health

Lymph Health: The Key to a Strong Immune System
by Christopher Vasey N.D.

book cover: Lymph Health by Christopher Vasey N.D.In this practical guide to supporting your lymph health naturally, Christopher Vasey explores the essential role played by the lymphatic system in your overall health and offers self-care methods for strengthening and maintaining this important part of your body’s immune system. Explaining how to improve the function of your lymphatic system, the author details 12 natural therapies to support your lymph health. 

Showing how lymph health is the key to a strong immune system, this guide enables you to improve your lymphatic function, boost your body’s natural detoxification abilities, and enhance your overall health and well-being.

For more info and/or to order this book, click hereAlso available as a Kindle edition. 

photo of Christopher Vasey, N.D.About the Author

Christopher Vasey, N.D., is a naturopath specializing in detoxification and rejuvenation. He is the author of The Acid-Alkaline Diet for Optimum HealthThe Naturopathic WayThe Water PrescriptionThe Whey Prescription, and The Detox Mono Diet

Visit his website at:

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