Responding as “none” or “unaffiliated” on religious surveys, people increasingly identify as humanists, atheists, agnostics, or simply spiritual. If current trends continue, by 2070...

What exactly makes a particular job an instance of “meaningful work”? Is it just any sort of work people happen to believe is meaningful? Or is it a job with certain objective features?

   An artificial sweetener called neotame can cause significant harm to the gut, my colleagues and I discovered. It does this harm in two ways. 

What is transformative change? Another political buzzword? The IPBES defines it as a “fundamental, system-wide reorganisation across technological, economic...

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

I didn’t go to India to put on a Hindu costume; I got into Vedic teachings to uncover all the costumes I’d been wearing and to find out what I was at my core. The sacred literature of India...

  Front yards are a staple of many American neighborhoods. But to what extent do yards serve as a window into the people who tend them – and how they feel about their home, neighborhood and...

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Lynn Woodland
What if we could go back in time to heal an illness at an earlier, less-advanced stage? Or go back even further to the moment right before an illness took hold in our bodies? A number of researchers,...
The perfect parking place shows up every time . Teeth with cavities grow new gold fillings seconds after a healer prays. The perfect house becomes available, a job opens, money multiplies, the right p...
If you imagine each thought going through your mind as a seed destined to grow the events of your future, how do you feel about the quality of the seeds you’re planting? Are they growing success, joy,...
When we join in a common intent with other minds, an amplifying effect occurs that is far greater than the sum of the individuals. Things that were difficult to achieve separately suddenly become easy...
The more we bristle at the idea of self-responsibility, the more likely it is that we were taught at an early age to feel shame. Blame and shame go hand in hand, one giving rise to the other. They bot...