As Martin Luther King once said: “Everyone can be great because everyone can serve. You don’t even have to make your subjects and verbs agree to serve. You only require a heart full of grace.”...

Did we do everything our parents always said to do, or do we always do what our partners tell us now to do? Do we automatically do what we’re told by the government or others in positions of...

Expelling students for bad behaviour seems like the obvious solution, but is it really a good idea?

How to tell if a conspiracy theory is probably false...

When we say such things as "You hurt me," "You made me do it," "You made me angry," or "You make me crazy” we are giving in to the impulse to blame our feelings externally. Blaming others for what...

I interviewed over two hundred people in more than 100 organizations. I ended almost every interview with the question: "It's easy to see what's wrong with the world today... So, I'd like to...

One of the most powerful things you can do is a personal clearing of your own energy field. The following is an energetic clearing that Robin Duda, the soul alchemist I've been working with...

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