While I knew I had learned a lot about myself on this trip, I also knew there was a lot of work ahead of me. This was a big step in my healing journey, and I knew it wasn’t the last.

The metaverse could change our religious experiences, and create new ones

  We live in diabocal times. The word diabolical truly fits; it comes from the Greek diabállein (to set at variance, to set against). We really do live in times when what used to be...

Nostalgia hasn’t always been a tool for manipulating our emotions – it was once a medical condition

Spiritual awakening is lopsided, if it doesn’t lead to engaging and taking action in the world. But, sometimes we think that the only way to make a difference is by doing something grand, and then...

 Have you ever said “I hate you” to someone? What about using the “h-word” in casual conversation, like “I hate broccoli”? What are you really feeling when you say that you hate something or...

This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as...

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