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As we confront the daunting challenges of our time, such as the threat of nuclear war, the impacts of climate change, the erosion of democracy, and economic instability, there are three psychological stages individuals experience when facing these distressing realities.

Stage 1: Emotional Denial and Avoidance

Emotional denial is a defense mechanism that shields individuals from the overwhelming and painful truths associated with distressing realities. During this stage, people consciously or unconsciously minimize or downplay the severity of these challenges. It is a coping strategy to preserve a sense of normalcy and psychological well-being.

Consider the threat of nuclear war. Many may choose to avoid contemplating the catastrophic consequences of such an event. They may dismiss the possibility, ignore discussions, or resort to believing that it will never occur. By sweeping these thoughts under the rug, they protect themselves from the profound fear and anxiety that contemplating such a scenario can evoke.

Stage 2: Emotional Distress and Crisis Response

Once emotional denial subsides, individuals enter the emotional distress and crisis response stage. Here, they confront the distressing realities they have been avoiding, triggering intense emotional and psychological responses. Feelings of depression, anxiety, fear, and grief may dominate their inner landscape.

Let us examine the example of climate change. As individuals become aware of the devastating impacts on ecosystems, communities, and future generations, they may experience a profound sadness and hopelessness. The uncertainty and potential harm associated with climate change can give rise to heightened levels of stress and worry. This emotional distress represents a crucial stage in acknowledging the gravity of the situation.

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Stage 3: Post-Traumatic Growth and Adaptation

Following the stage of emotional distress, individuals have the potential to transition into a phase characterized by post-traumatic growth and adaptation. This stage involves accepting the distressing realities, building resilience, and finding meaning in adversity.

Consider the fall of democracy. As individuals grapple with the erosion of democratic principles and institutions, they may start to accept the challenging realities. They recognize the need to adapt and take action. Resilience-building strategies, such as seeking support from like-minded individuals and engaging in activism, can empower them to navigate this stage successfully.

Throughout this stage, individuals may experience personal growth, manifesting as a shift in values, priorities, and goals. They develop a deep sense of purpose, seeking ways to contribute to positive change. They actively participate in shaping a better future by taking action and advocating for causes related to the distressing realities they face.

Successfully Moving Through the Stages

Recognizing and understanding these stages is crucial, as it equips individuals with the tools to navigate them effectively. Here are some strategies to consider:

1. Acknowledge the Stages:

Understanding where you are in your emotional journey starts with acknowledging the stage you're currently navigating. To do this, begin by reflecting on your emotional responses. Do you find yourself dismissing the threat of climate change or avoiding conversations about it? You may be in the stage of emotional denial and avoidance.

Perhaps, on the other hand, you've found yourself grappling with feelings of fear, anxiety, and despair when thinking about these issues. If so, you might be in the stage of emotional distress and crisis response.

Or, you might find new strength in the face of adversity, engage in activism, and feel a renewed sense of purpose in your actions. This would suggest that you're in the post-traumatic growth and adaptation stage.

Take the example of climate change. Suppose you've recently watched a documentary about the devastating impacts of climate change, and it's all you can think about. You feel a deep sense of fear and hopelessness and lose sleep over it. Based on these feelings, you can identify that you're likely in emotional distress and crisis response.

Identifying your current stage doesn't mean you're locked into it - it's just a snapshot of where you are right now. And understanding where you are is a powerful step. Once you've recognized your current stage, you can develop a roadmap for progress.

For instance, if you're in the emotional distress stage, you might seek support from a mental health professional or join a climate action group. You might also start practicing self-care more regularly to manage your feelings of distress.

On the other hand, if you're in the stage of post-traumatic growth, you might commit to more concrete actions toward positive change, such as advocating for environmental policies or adopting a more sustainable lifestyle.

There is no right or wrong stage, and each person's journey is unique. The goal is not to rush through the stages but to understand your emotional responses better, accept where you are, and identify the best steps to move forward.

2. Seek Support:

Seeking support can play a crucial role in navigating through challenging times. It's essential to remember that you don't have to face distressing realities alone. Reach out to those who can guide, validate, and assist in managing emotional distress and developing effective coping mechanisms.

Consider a scenario where you feel overwhelmed by the erosion of democratic principles in your country. This fear and disillusionment could be emotionally draining and might lead to feelings of helplessness.

In such a case, you might contact a mental health professional, such as a psychologist or therapist. These professionals are equipped to guide you through your emotions, providing strategies to manage stress and build resilience. For instance, a therapist could provide cognitive-behavioral techniques to challenge negative thought patterns or mindfulness exercises to help manage anxiety.

Alternatively, or in addition, you could seek out a support network. This could be a group of like-minded individuals who are also concerned about the state of democracy. They might be found in local community groups, online forums, or organizations dedicated to democratic principles. Connecting with others who share your fears and frustrations can provide a sense of solidarity and understanding. For instance, joining a local activist group can give you a platform to express your feelings, hear others' experiences, and contribute to collective efforts to uphold democratic values.

Seeking support, whether professional or communal, can assist you in managing your emotional distress. It offers an avenue to validate your feelings, provide perspective, and equip you with coping mechanisms to face challenging realities. Above all, it reminds you that you're not alone in your journey, creating a space for shared resilience and hope.

3. Practice Self-Care:

Self-care is the active engagement in activities that nurture your physical, emotional, and mental well-being. Especially during challenging times, it's vital to prioritize practices that can help you maintain emotional balance and build resilience.

Let's assume you're dealing with the distressing reality of economic instability. Maybe you've recently lost your job, or perhaps you're grappling with financial uncertainty due to a downturn in the economy. In such a situation, self-care can be a valuable tool to help manage your stress and anxiety.

One essential aspect of self-care is physical activity. Regular exercise, such as running, practicing yoga, or even a simple walk in the park, can greatly improve your mood and reduce stress. For instance, you might establish a routine where you start your day with a brisk 30-minute walk. This promotes physical health and provides a sense of routine and normalcy amidst uncertainty.

Mindfulness is another valuable self-care practice. This could involve daily meditation, sitting quietly, focusing on your breath, or using a guided meditation app. Just spending 10 minutes each day in mindful meditation can help manage anxiety and promote a sense of calm.

Self-reflection is also a beneficial self-care activity. This could involve journaling about your experiences and emotions. For instance, you might end each day by writing in a journal, documenting your feelings about the economic instability, and noting any small positives or moments of gratitude throughout the day. This practice can provide a helpful outlet for your worries and fears while promoting a balanced perspective by acknowledging the good in your life.

Self-care isn't a luxury; it's a necessity. By incorporating activities that promote well-being into your daily routine, you're caring for your physical health and equipping yourself with the emotional strength and resilience needed to face distressing realities. Maintaining balance and fostering the capacity to cope with and adapt to challenging circumstances is essential.

4. Develop Coping Mechanisms:

Coping mechanisms are techniques that help individuals manage and navigate through emotional distress. These strategies can be particularly helpful when confronting distressing realities, enabling you to process your emotions in adaptive and healthy ways. Remember, what works best may vary from person to person, and exploring different strategies to find what best suits you is essential.

Take an example where you are grappling with the overwhelming threat of nuclear war. The very thought might invoke fear and anxiety, making coping challenging.

One coping strategy could be engaging in creative outlets, which are known to be therapeutic and can help express emotions in a non-verbal way. For example, painting, sculpting, writing poetry, or playing an instrument can provide a way for you to express your worries and fears about the threat of nuclear war indirectly. You could create a piece of art that reflects your feelings, providing both an outlet for your emotions and a way to engage with your concerns creatively.

Journaling, which as mentioned above is good for self-care, is also an effective coping mechanism. It offers a private space to express your thoughts and fears openly and without judgment. For instance, you might write a daily entry detailing your thoughts about the nuclear threat, reactions to news stories, or hopes for the future. This practice provides an emotional release and can help you identify patterns in your thinking and gain a deeper understanding of your emotions.

Connecting with nature can also be a powerful coping strategy. Spending time in natural surroundings, like a park, forest, or by the sea, can induce a sense of calm and provide a refreshing escape from stressful thoughts. For example, you could dedicate a part of your weekend to a hike or a walk on the beach or in the woods. Engaging with the natural world can help put your worries into perspective, grounding you and providing a much-needed respite from distressing thoughts.

Ultimately, the goal is to find coping strategies that work best for you. These strategies are tools in your toolkit, empowering you to manage your emotions, navigate distressing realities, and maintain your mental well-being during challenging times.

5. Embrace Personal Growth:

Even amidst distressing realities, there's an opportunity for personal growth. By seeking meaning and purpose in these challenging situations, you can transform your perspective and contribute positively towards the issues at hand.

Consider the impacts of climate change, which might be causing you considerable distress. Instead of succumbing to helplessness, you view the situation as a call to action, fueling a newfound commitment to sustainable living.

On an individual level, this could manifest as changes in your daily habits. For example, you could reduce your carbon footprint by using public transportation, cycling, or walking instead of driving. You might also become more conscious about waste and adopt a zero-waste lifestyle, minimizing the use of plastic and non-recyclable materials.

Additionally, you might engage in collective efforts to combat climate change. This could mean joining local environmental organizations or participating in climate marches. You could volunteer for a local tree-planting initiative or a beach cleanup event, contributing directly to environmental conservation in your community.

Furthermore, you could use your voice and influence to advocate for sustainable policies at a local and/or national level. This could involve writing to your local representative, signing petitions for green policies, or using social media to raise awareness about climate change.

By embracing personal growth, you're not just passively accepting the distressing reality of climate change. Instead, you're choosing to find meaning and purpose in it, using it as a catalyst for personal transformation and positive action. You're contributing to a larger cause, turning your feelings of distress into a proactive force for change. This can not only empower you and help you manage your emotions but can also inspire others to do the same.

Having Concern Without The Stress

Understanding the psychological stages individuals experience when facing distressing realities is essential for personal well-being and societal resilience. Individuals can find strength, purpose, and hope amidst immense challenges by acknowledging and navigating through the stages of emotional denial and avoidance, emotional distress and crisis response, and post-traumatic growth and adaptation.

We can confront these distressing realities head-on, develop resilience, and contribute to positive change. By embracing this psychological journey, we can cultivate personal growth and work with others to shape a better future for ourselves and future generations.

About the Author

jenningsRobert Jennings is co-publisher of with his wife Marie T Russell. He attended the University of Florida, Southern Technical Institute, and the University of Central Florida with studies in real estate, urban development, finance, architectural engineering, and elementary education. He was a member of the US Marine Corps and The US Army having commanded a field artillery battery in Germany. He worked in real estate finance, construction and development for 25 years before starting in 1996.

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This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License. Attribute the author Robert Jennings, Link back to the article This article originally appeared on


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