The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

Radical Optimism is Dua Lipa’s philosophy for dealing with life’s chaos – but radical openness is a better approach.

When conception and pregnancy come with effort, or not at all, the risk is to set oneself up to feel like a failure or, alternately, to try everything in the hopes of being “good enough” to...

How extreme dieting can affect bone health. In a recent Instagram post, the actor Jameela Jamil revealed she has poor bone density, despite only being in her 30s.

What to expect from the next generation of chatbots: OpenAI’s GPT-5 and Meta’s Llama-3.

Cops on campus: Why police crackdowns on student protesters are so dangerous.

The Daily Inspiration is a short message to help set the tone for the day. It is linked to a longer article for additional insights and inspiration.

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John Ptacek
Believing is as automatic as walking or talking or sneezing, and about as noteworthy. Deprived of our-ists and -isms, would we behave differently than we do now? Who would we be without our beliefs?
We spend our lives immersed in a flood of thoughts, unaware that another dimension of consciousness is available to us. It is a dimension in which we come to know ourselves as something other than thi...