a baby sheltered inside his mother's jacket on her breast
Image by Detmold

Narrated by Marie T. Russell.

Watch video version on InnerSelf.com or on YouTube

Is life complicated? Maybe, maybe not. Do we make it complicated? I think that's a definite yes! We complicate our life when we step away from Love, Truth, Harmony, and Oneness. Those higher essences are what bring our life back to being uncomplicated.

Holy Purpose

When we speak of Holy Purpose, it may seem like some lofty and perhaps unattainable goal. But what is "holy"? Perhaps it is simply the word "wholly"( spelled with an "w") as in being whole, complete, and connected to the All. That makes being holy a very attainable goal, and one that we have the opportunity to live each moment of each day.

We are all connected and we are here to help each other along the journey of life. Our purpose is not "each person for him or her self", but rather to recognize that each and every person is our beloved, our soul mate. We are all cells in the body of a Grand Experiment called Life on Planet Earth. We can choose to play war and aggression, or we can choose to live a life of Love, Harmony, and Oneness.

Complicated? Not at all. Just a simple choice that we make at each moment of our life. Easy? Not always, and on some days with some people, not easy at all. Yet, this can be our choice and our purpose: To live a life of Love.

To be whole is to live our life on the path of Love, Unity, and Oneness, seeking the highest good in all situations, and looking out, not for "number one", but for All. That, I believe, is our Holy Purpose.


Serenity... just saying the word helps me feel more at peace, calmer, and much lighter. Yet that is just a temporary "fix". Though  if one was to keep repeating the word serenity as a mantra, it would work on our energy until we attained that ongoing state of being. However, in the process, it would bring up to the surface things unlike serenity that need to be released.

Yes, some attitudes and energies must be released before we can experience serenity. Pent-up emotions, stress, resentments, judgments, and all those things that block the flow of our vibrant loving energy must be let go. Otherwise they act as a wall that blocks the presence of serenity.

How can we let these energies go? One way is to take some deep breaths, and on the out-breath, release any energies that are weighing you down.

Say to yourself, "I breathe in serenity, and I release ..." Fill in the blanks with whatever energy needs releasing, and then let it go, like a balloon rising up to the heavens. You then will have room for serenity to reside inside of you. 

Emotional Expression

We have,  right inside of us, all the tools we need to guide our life. Our emotions and intuition are here for us to use, at no charge, whenever we need guidance. We will get the most "individualized" guidance from our own inner core.

Information from others will be colored by their perceptions and their biases, as well as their interpretation of your needs and situation. Your gut feelings and your intuition will give you personally-tailored information meant just for you. 

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"You are the best judge of what is right for you... Rather than making choices based on logic, feel into which situation or direction feels right by letting your emotions guide you. 

"A playful, uplifting feeling of freedom and calm around your center usually indicates a positive answer. If you feel tightness or constriction in the belly or chest, that is usually a sign that the course of action you are thinking of embarking on may not be in your highest interests.

"You are naturally intuitive and deeply sensitive. Acknowledge and trust your emotions as they can act as a powerful compass. Let your feelings guide the way." ~ Asariel, Card #22, Archangel Fire Oracle.

Love and Gratitude

Though we may be well aware that love and gratitude are powerful energies to keep in our heart, it's not always easy. Especially when there are challenging people or situations in our life that we have to deal with on an ongoing basis.

Yet, all of those people and challenges are part of our "team". They are here to assist us in getting to the next level in the School of Life. Just like in school where we have to pass exams, life presents us with tests, usually in the form of a challenging person or event. The more we resist the test or the person administering the test, the longer we stay in that particular classroom. 

And just as in school, if you prepare yourself well for an exam, you can usually get through it with flying colors, and not have to "endure" that particular test again. So how do we get through it easily, or at least easier? The following quote from the Archangel Fire Oracle can help guide us:

"Open your heart to greater love so that you may heal all aspects of your life and relationships. Holding feelings of unforgiveness towards another person only hurts you and holds you back.

"Bring the image of any challenging person or situation into your heart, and allow yourself to feel love towards this person or event.

"You will soon see hidden blessings blossom in your relationships and feel grateful for all the people who have come into your life to help you grow. ~ Chamuel, Card #9.


We, as part of life on Planet Earth, are constantly in a state of transition, of change. Nothing ever remains the same -- and while in some situations, as in cases of conflict, that knowledge is comforting, but in other situations it can be downright frightening.

The uncertainty is what gets to us. We have gotten comfortable in our own status quo, and fear that everything will fall apart if things change. Not knowing what is coming, or what will be happening, upsets our need for security.

But our security doesn't come from events out in the world, it comes from our own inner knowing that all is for the highest good, even when it doesn't seem to be.  

"Many people fear change, even when they do not yet know what is on the other side of that change.

"We may not realize it, but in just one lifetime, we can go through many levels of transition. That transition can be subtle and almost unrecognizable. It may be joyful and exciting or it may be unexpected and even feel a little bit terrifying. 

"When you find yourself in a transition or facing a shift in your circumstances or energy... staying in the energy of trust can help ensure the highest outcome for you or anyone you are supporting through a transition." ~ Azrael, Card #18, Archangel Fire Oracle Cards

Passion for Life

We've probably all had days when life just felt "blah". Days when there was no passion, no excitement, no emotional charge, or at least not a positive one. Yet this is part of the cyclical nature of life. We have our ups and downs, our introverted moments, our extroverted moments, our moments of feeling joy or of feeling listless.

Yet when we are not feeling passion for life, it may be time to ask ourselves "why not". Oftentimes, the passion or excitement is missing because we are living the "same old same old" and not following our dreams or intuitive guidance.

Are we waiting for our dreams to come true, or are we proactively taking steps to reach them. The passion must come from us, from the inside. No one else can infuse our life with joy and passion. We are the creator of our life, of our enthusiasm, of our joy. 

Find something you love and do it! Sing, dance, walk, paint, cook, clean, swim, run, write, whatever brings you that feeling of wellbeing, do it. The next time you find yourself in the dumps, tune in to what makes your heart sing, and go for it! 

"Instead of waiting for your dreams to find you, make a choice to reignite your passions today. Explore new ways to invite excitement into your life, or think of all the things you used to love doing as a child and find ways to incorporate these into your week." ~ Haniel, Card #8, Archangel Fire Oracle Cards.

Being Joy-full

At times we may feel as if we are carrying a heavy burden filled with grief, doubts, fears, etc. These energies weigh us down and prevent us from soaring on our life path. Joy and love, on the other hand, along with gratitude and forgiveness, lighten our journey.

We do have a choice as to how we live our life. We can live as a martyr or as a grouch suffering through life without joy, or we can live as a playful being, handling everything with love, even the struggles that we encounter. 

Love is a great teacher, healer, and guide. It sheds light on the darkness around us, as well as the darkness within us. Joy is also a powerful healer, a wonderful guide, and a blessed reward for a life well-lived.

Love and joy fuel happiness and guide us along a higher path. We can choose to make joy and love our life experience and purpose as they will guide us along to whatever else we are meant to be and do.

"Be joyful! Let go of your heavy physical and emotional burdens. Release your baggage. Allow new clarity and happiness to pour into your life. Then you can rise up out of the gloom and fly higher." ~ Jophiel, Card #15, Archangel Fire Oracle Cards.

Article inspired from:

CARD DECK: Archangel Fire Oracle Cards

Archangel Fire Oracle: 40-card deck and guidebook
by Alexandra Wenman. Illustrated by Aveliya Savina.

book cover: Archangel Fire Oracle: 40-card deck and guidebook by Alexandra WenmanAngels are the keepers of our ascension pathway. They assist humanity toward personal and collective enlightenment, bringing us love, guidance, power, healing, and deep transformation. .

Each of the 40 full-color, high-vibration cards features an Archangel and the healing color ray or sacred flame that that angel embodies. In the accompanying book, gifted angel communicator Alexandra Wenman explores how the Archangels interact with us and how they work with and within us. 

For more info and/or to order this card deck with guidebook, click here

More Inspirational Card Decks 

About The Author

Marie T. Russell is the founder of InnerSelf Magazine (founded 1985). She also produced and hosted a weekly South Florida radio broadcast, Inner Power, from 1992-1995 which focused on themes such as self-esteem, personal growth, and well-being. Her articles focus on transformation and reconnecting with our own inner source of joy and creativity.

Creative Commons 3.0: This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License. Attribute the author: Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf.com. Link back to the article: This article originally appeared on InnerSelf.com