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Marie T. Russell's Daily Inspiration

The focus for today is:  I seek answers internally and pay attention to my guidance.

Whatever our goal, whatever our vision, there is always a next step. And that is sometimes where we get bogged down. Either because we don't know what the next step needs to be, or because we see too many steps to take or too many possibilities, and feel overwhelmed and confused by it all.

As with many challenges we face in life, the first step is to stop, take a deep breath, and go into a quiet space inside our heart and mind. Once we get centered, it is easier to discover the guidance that awaits our discovery.

When we seek guidance, we need to ask a specific question. So if "what is the next step" is a question that doesn't generate  a response for you, then querying various options in your quiet inner space will help guide you to the next step, and then later to the next one as the time comes. The key is to ask the question internally and then pay attention to however the answer comes.

Today's Focus is from the article:

Where Do We Go From Here?
by Marie T. Russell

Read the original article

This is Marie T. Russell, publisher of InnerSelf, wishing you a day of asking for and receiving guidance (today and every day)

Join me again tomorrow for the Daily Inspiration and focus of the day.

Today, we seek answers internally and pay attention to our guidance.

About The Author

Marie T. Russell is the founder of InnerSelf Magazine (founded 1985). She also produced and hosted a weekly South Florida radio broadcast, Inner Power, from 1992-1995 which focused on themes such as self-esteem, personal growth, and well-being. Her articles focus on transformation and reconnecting with our own inner source of joy and creativity.

Creative Commons 3.0: This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 License. Attribute the author: Marie T. Russell, Link back to the article: This article originally appeared on