InnerSelf Newsletter

InnerSelf Newsletter: November 15th, 2015

November 15th, 2015

Welcome... Our InnerSelf welcomes your Inner Self.

Events can often shake our world and leave us wondering what direction to take... whether it is personal events or world events. Our intention and our vision will lead us to take the steps that are the steps that are the right ones for us. This week we may need to be reminded of many things...

Sarah Love McCoy tells us: You Are Awesome and The World Needs Your Awesome!, while Janette Hillis-Jaffe introduces us to The Healing Benefits of Tears, Laughter, and Listening Partnerships. Shavasti reminds us of the importance of Healing our World: One Individual, One Family, One Nation at a Time. (scroll down for many more articles below)

While we may feel powerless at times, we always have power over our thoughts and our words and the energy we put out into the world (sometimes after the fact). It is important to keep our focus on a higher perspective. Many years ago, a friend used to say "Love is all there is". At the time, this statement would "rub me the wrong way" because I saw so many things in the world that weren't love. Yet, now, I think I understand what he meant.

Love is all there is, because everything else is simply the absence of love: i.e. fear, hatred, anger, resentment, violence... These emotions that are lacking in love are constructs of our mind, of our ego, or our perceptions, of our fears.

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The only thing that can help us heal the convoluted life we are experiencing on this planet is to always ask "What would Love do?" We would be well served to remember that everything that is unlike love is a call for help, for understanding, for healing, for justice, for balance, and for compassion. 

None of that makes unloving behaviors right, but it emphasizes that to heal our world we can only do so with compassion, with empathy, and with love. The old testament teachings of an eye for an eye are just that: old teachings. In this new era, we are learning to live from the teachings of unconditional love, of forgiveness, and finding the way to right old wrongs. Two wrongs never make a right. We need to delve into the cause of imbalances and injustices, and find ways to make things right... not just for ourselves, not just for our families and neighbors, but for every living soul on the planet.

Wishing you peaceful insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, and loving week.

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"

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Healing our World: One Individual, One Family, One Nation at a Time

Written by Shavasti.

Healing our World: One Individual, One Family, One Nation at a TimeWhat we’re being called to do as a species before we either destroy ourselves or most of life on our planet is to meet ourselves fully. We must have the courage to meet our own prejudices and encounter every single place within us that would rather resort to blame than to face the collective human pain body.

Read article here: Healing our World: One Individual, One Family, One Nation at a Time

You Are Awesome and The World Needs Your Awesome!

Written by Sarah Love McCoy.

You Are Awesome and The World Needs Your Awesome!Everyone has their own unique awesomeness. You just have to find out what yours is and be authentic and everything in life will fall into place, right? I've been hearing that one for years too. And let me tell you, it can feel frustrating as all heck to wonder "What is MY awesome?".

Read article here: You Are Awesome and The World Needs Your Awesome!

What's Your Financial Personality and Horoscope?

Written by Vicky Oliver.

What's Your Financial Personality and Horoscope?It's a sign of the times that so many people are careless in money matters. Nearly half of today's workers live paycheck to paycheck. Even many earning six-figure salaries have nothing left over at the end of each month. Saving for retirement is considered unfashionable.

Read article here: What's Your Financial Personality and Horoscope?

"Magical" Remedies For Your Health Emergency Kit and For Your Life

Written by Lee Milteer.

"Magical" Remedies For Your Health Emergency Kit and For Your LifeThere is clearly a Mind-Body Connection and when you start to feel something coming on always visualize yourself as being healthy, strong, and confident. Imagine yourself feeling good when you suddenly realize that you are being challenged. I always carry an “Emergency Kit” when I travel and...

Read article here: "Magical" Remedies For Your Health Emergency Kit and For Your Life

The Healing Benefits of Tears, Laughter, and Listening Partnerships

Written by Janette Hillis-Jaffe.

The Healing Benefits of Tears, Laughter, and Listening PartnershipsWe hold in our mind all kinds of old fears and feelings that we’ve had since childhood, some of which we are only dimly aware. The problem is that the reptilian and mammalian parts of our brains respond strongly to those old feelings, as if they were current realities. We need to work on acknowledging those outdated feelings and fears and avoid being triggered...

Read article here: The Healing Benefits of Tears, Laughter, and Listening Partnerships

Astrological Journal for the Week

Pam YounghansWritten by Pam Younghans

This weekly column (updated every Sunday afternoon) is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies... Read more

It is also highly beneficial to reread the past week's astrological journal as it gives a hindsight view of the events that took place and may provide many "ah-ha" insights.


* The Economics of Compassion: Can This City Wipe Out Debt by 2019?

* How We Can Vanquish Pollution Within Our Lifetimes

* Meet The Wild Animals Who Put Their Partners First

* Can Listening To Music Help You Sleep?

* How Existentialism Can Shield Us From The Free Market's Dark Side

* On Economics, Red States And Blue States Agree

* Child Body Fat Linked To Mom’s Perfluorooctanoic Acid Exposure

* Why Cats Are Fussy Eaters But Dogs Will Consume Almost Anything

* Are The Biggest World Economies Still Backing Fossil Fuels?

We add articles to the website daily
. Rather than wait until the newsletter, you can visit each section according to your interests throughout the week. Each section listed below is designed as its own "mini-website".

Living in Harmony:

The "Living in Harmony" section includes articles on Health & Well-Being, Home & Garden, Pets, Leisure & Creativity, Finance & Careers, and Science and Technology.

Personal Development:

The "Personal Development" area covers Attitude Adjustments (which includes Fear, Anger, Gratitude, Forgiveness), Relationships & Parenting, Spirituality & Mindfulness (including Meditation), Intuition & Awareness (including astrology), and Happiness & Success.

Social & Political:

"Social & Political" covers topics that affect us personally yet deal with a more "societal" or "political" sphere. This area covers Environment & Climate, Democracy, Justice, Inequality, Economy, and more. These topics are very relevant for our communal journey on Planet Earth.



To see videos added this week, go to the Video Home Page  or

Click here for Additional Videos in "Living in Harmony";

Additional Videos in "Personal Development";

Additional Videos in "Social & Political"


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