railroad tracks leading off into the distant horizon
Image by Larisa Koshkina 

Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

One question we must ask ourselves regularly is: "Where do I go from here?" In other words, what is our next step, our next goal, our next process? This week, we take a look at some of the next steps along our journey of life.

Please scroll down for the new articles and videos that were added to the website this week.

Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week. 

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"


Most featured articles are also in audio and video format.
Go to each article for the links.

This Life Is Ours: What Are We Choosing To Do With It?

 Marie T. Russell, InnerSelf.com
standing in outer space looking at the Earth
While nothing in the world really belongs to us, our lives are one thing that do belong to us. We are in charge of them completely. We get to make choices, set goals, and choose the direction in which we desire our lives to progress.

This Life Is Ours: What Are We Choosing To Do With It? (Video)

Learning To Resonate with Our Own Body and Mind

 Phyllida Anam-Áire, author of the book The Last Ecstasy of Life
woman's face, pensive
We talk about resonance with other organisms, but for me it is important to have resonance with my own internal states of being.

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Learning To Resonate with Our Own Body and Mind (Video)

How To Recognize Our Conditioning -- and Release It

 Lawrence Doochin, author of A Book on Fear
boy sitting on the sand with his head on his knees
It seems fairly obvious, but in order to move to a new story and not live in fear, we have to want to release our conditioning and the old story. Unfortunately, there is resistance to this because...

How To Recognize Our Conditioning -- and Release It (Video)

Understanding 5th Dimension Consciousness and the Divine Feminine Within Us

 Kimberly Meredith, author of the book Awakening to the 5th Dimension
woman standing in the ocean looking at the rising sun
As we move from the 3rd Dimension, it can feel heavy and difficult, especially during this time in history. We are undergoing a mass movement into the 5th Dimension, and that is where...

Understanding 5th Dimension Consciousness and the Divine Feminine Within Us (Video)

The Movie ‘Finch’ Explores How Dogs Help Us Define Humanity

 Michael Cameron, Dalhousie University
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The movie Finch, released in November on Apple TV+, stars Tom Hanks and a former rescue dog named Seamus. Critic Tomris Laffly, writing for Variety, describes it as a “big-hearted … post-apocalyptic saga.”

Why We Love Puzzles, And Are They Good For Our Brains?

 Penny Pexman, University of Calgary
wordle good for brain
Suddenly, millions of people are focused on their vocabulary of five-letter words, and are newly aware of concepts like letter frequency and letter position as they strategize about the best opening words and faster solutions.

5 Lifestyle Changes To Prevent Dementia

 Dr Alexandra Wade, University of South Australia, et al
preventing dementia
When we think of dementia, we often fear a loss of control. But the reassuring news is up to 40% of dementias can be prevented or delayed if we change our health habits.

How To Best Understand The Future of Climate Change

 Mark Maslin, UCL
planet earth with puzzle pieces missing 
It’s a common argument among climate deniers: scientific models cannot predict the future, so why should we trust them to tell us how the climate will change?

How Probiotics Help Regulate Our Immune System

 Paul Gill and Andrew Smith, UCL
benefits of probiotics
Though they are delivered to the gut, probiotic bacteria can exert an influence across the body.

Why People Resist Curfews and Lockdowns

 Agnes Arnold-Forster and Caitjan Gainty
why we resist curfew
Though curfews have gained notoriety over the pandemic, they are not new. In the medieval period, curfews came in the form of an evening bell, rung to signify that the cooking and heating fires of the day should be covered for the night.

Children Whose Parents Smoke Have Lower Test Scores and More Behavioural Issues

 Preety Pratima Srivastava, RMIT University
children and secondary smoke
Smoking is prevalent in lower socio-economic groups whose characteristics (such as lower IQ and poorer motivation on average) are correlated with lower academic scores and more behavioural issues in children.

What Is The Best Mask For Covid-19?

 Christian L'Orange, Colorado State University
a few different masks
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has changed its guidelines about masks and respirators a number of times over the past two years...

Death During Sex Isn’t Just Something That Happens To Middle-Aged Men

 David C Gaze, University of Westminster
death after sex
There’s a dark side: people sometimes die during or shortly after sex. The incidence is, thankfully, extremely low and accounts for 0.6% of all cases of sudden death.

Green Alternatives To Peat Moss Are Just As Good For Your Garden

 David Bek and Margi Lennartsson Turner, Coventry University
green gardening
Peat has been a staple ingredient of composts sold in British garden centres since the 1960s, even though it’s not actually that nutritious for plants.

Why Keeping Chickens At Home Is Risking Bird Flu

 Catherine Oliver, University of Cambridge
raising chickens bird flu
With a growing number of people now keeping chickens and other birds in their backyards, the close contact they have with their birds could potentially be putting them at risk of contracting and spreading bird flu too.

Antimicrobial Resistance Is On The Rise and Causing More Deaths

 Jonathan Cox, Aston University
 will be next pandemic
Antimicrobial resistance is spreading rapidly worldwide, and has even been likened to the next pandemic – one that many people may not even be aware is happening.

Indonesia Can Fight Against Climate Change With These 2 Solutions

 Mukhlish Jamal Musa Holle, Universitas Gadjah Mada
global players on climate change
Indonesia can become a significant global player in tackling the climate crisis if it optimises the work of protecting and rehabilitating forests. This is because the country is home to Asia’s largest tropical forest.

Why You Should Keep Milk Longer Than You Think

 Cath Rees, University of Nottingham
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Around one-third of the food produced globally every year never gets eaten. This waste often occurs along the supply chain before the food even reaches us.

All Republicans, Manchin, Sinema Block Help For Families Without Enough Food

 Paul Shafer, Boston University and Katherine Gutierrez, University of New Mexico
food insecurity is real
President Biden’s Build Back Better plan calls for a second year of an expanded child tax credit disbursed monthly. But that package of measures stalled in the Senate after passing the House in November 2021.

How Mrna And Dna Vaccines Could Soon Treat Cancers And Other Diseases

 Deborah Fuller, University of Washington
the new vaccines
The idea of using genetic material to produce an immune response has opened up a world of research and potential medical uses far out of reach of traditional vaccines.

Who’s To Blame In The Ukraine-Russia Standoff?

 Alexander Hill, University of Calgary
Whos to blame for ukraine
In the West, the current standoff between Ukraine and Russia has typically been presented as one in which a righteous Ukraine is standing up to bullying by a scheming, even Machiavellian Russia.

What Drove Perth’s record-smashing Heatwave – And Why It’s A Taste Of Things To Come

 Jatin Kala, Murdoch University
endless heat in australia
Perth smashed its previous heatwave records last week, after sweltering through six days in a row over 40? – and 11 days over 40? this summer so far. On top of that, Perth has suffered widespread power outages and a bushfire in the city’s north.

Horoscope: Week of January 31 - February 6, 2022

 Pam Younghans, NorthPoint Astrology
aurora photo
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.

Horoscope: Week of January 31 - February 6, 2022 (Video)


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