kitten looking at his reflection as a lion
Lion in the mirror. Image by Thomas Wolter 

Our InnerSelf welcomes your inner self.

Things are not always as they seem... and your task, as it is for each one of us,  is to discover what is real, what is true, and what we can do about it all. As always, we bring you articles with the intention to help you in this quest.

Scroll down for the new articles and videos that were added to the website this week.

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Wishing you enjoyable insightful reading, and of course a wonder-full, joy-full, health-full, and loving week. 

Marie T. Russell
"New Attitudes...New Possibilities"


Some of the featured articles are also in audio and video format.
Go to each article for the links.

A Tree in Winter is Still A Tree

 Marie T. Russell,
a hardwood tree in winter with a purple sky in the background 
Just like nature, we have cycles and seasons. These can manifest as moods, or cycles of life such as teenager, young adult, parent, grandparent, etc., or as different jobs or careers. Everything in life is in flux, even when...

A Tree in Winter is Still A Tree (Video)

 When Meditation and Spirituality Become Obstacles to Maturation

 Marianne Bentzen, author of the book: Neuroaffective Meditationwoman's face surrounded by a hazy web 
Many skilled Western meditators have noted an uncomfortable gap between their “spiritual” aspect and their everyday personality. For some, it is tempting to use meditation to withdraw from unpleasant feelings or relationship conflicts into a meditative “safe zone.”

When Meditation and Spirituality Become Obstacles to Maturation (Video)

innerself subscribe graphic

Welcome to the Celestial Plane: Understanding The Mission of Angels on Earth

 Robbie Holz, author of the book: Angels in Waiting
an angel overlooking planet earth from the cosmos
This is an incredible time to be alive in the history of the world, both for me and for you. Yes, you specifically. Reading this statement may have caused you to raise an eyebrow with doubt. And you have good reason to be doubtful...

Awakening the Treasure and Healing Power of the Creative Spirit

 Paul Levy, author of the book: Wetiko: Healing the Mind-Virus That Plagues Our World
woman cocooned asleep inside a giant book
In times of great social and political upheaval such as we see in the world today, whatever has been suppressed by the prevailing agreed upon attitudes builds up in—and disturbs—the collective unconscious, accumulating enormous energy that needs to be channeled somewhere.

The Story of Our Nation’s Business Success and Wealth

 Richard Vague, author of the book: The Case for a Debt Jubilee
stacks of  US one-hundred dollar bills
The United States was founded at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, and has met with extraordinary business success from the days of its founding. Upon that success was built the broad prosperity of the new nation and the opportunity for great fortunes for the bold.

Are The Voices In Your Head Running Your Life?

 AlixSandra Parness, author of the book: Activate Joy
yabbits an your life 3 23
You already know the Yabbits; they are the voices inside your head, the doubts and the put-downs in your mind. Yabbits are the voices that argue against you. Our Yabbits were originally designed to keep us safe by keeping us in line. Yah that looks like fun, but...


Are You Fighting for Your Dreams or Killing Them Softly?

 Paulo Coelho, author of the book: Warrior of the Light: A Manual living your dreams 3 22
The Universe is merely an echo of our desires, regardless of whether they are constructive or destructive ones. Some people sometimes want things that in the end won’t truly help them. “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

Why Are People So Emotional and Unreasonable? (Video)

 William E. Halal, author of the book: Beyond Knowledge
young man sitting in a dark room, smoking
The Knowledge Age of the past two decades was supposed to bring greater understanding and even enlightenment. So why are people so emotional, misinformed, and unreasonable?   

How To Keep Your Brain Working Well As You Age

 Noelle Toumey Reetz, Georgia State University
photo of an older woman with white hair behind a bouquet of flowers
For many people, middle age arrives with some minor mental slip-ups. These “senior moments” are universal experiences that come with aging—and typically harmless. The Centers for Disease Control says one in nine adults ages 45 or older report at least occasional confusion or memory loss.

Daily Inspiration: March 27, 2022

 Marie T, Russell,
an empty bench under a tree in winter with clouds hanging low in the sky covering the top of the tree 
A hardwood tree in winter appears dead. There is no sign of life... no leaves, no buds, nothing that is vibrant to the eye. Yet inside the tree the process of life continues...

The Dangers Of Eating Raw Meat

 Colin Michie, University of Central Lancashire
eating raw meat 3 25
The animals we eat share this planet with us. We are all surrounded by an amazing diversity of uncountable microbes, some of which may be shared at mealtimes. A tempting piece of raw meat, therefore, requires elaborate checking. Has it any prions, viruses, bacteria, fungi or parasites?

Coastal Home Buyers Are Ignoring Rising Flood Risks And Rising Insurance Premiums

 Risa Palm and Toby W. Bolsen, Georgia State University
sea level rise 3 27
Waterfront homes are selling within days of going on the market, and the same story is playing out all along the South Florida coast at a time when scientificreportsare warning about the rising risks of coastal flooding as the planet warms.

Some Sweeteners May Be Linked To Increased Cancer Risk

 James Brown, Aston University
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Sweeteners have long been suggested to be bad for our health. Studies have linked consuming too many sweeteners with conditions such as obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. But links with cancer have been less certain.

Daily Inspiration: March 26, 2022

 Marie T, Russell,
an open hand receiving love in the form of hearts
The emotion or emotions themselves are not the problem. The problem is what we do with them, or how long we hang on to them.

Daily Inspiration: March 25, 2022

 Marie T, Russell,
a young girl running joyfully across a field
If someone were to ask you if you prefer joy or fear, I'm sure you would say you prefer joy. We all prefer feeling joy over feeling fear, yet, often that's not the choice we make. 

Daily Inspiration: March 24, 2022

 Marie T, Russell,
a young boy sitting on a crescent moon in the sky surrounded by hot air balloons and birds
When we remain open to new idea, we then can receive insights and inspiration. These come to us more easily when...

Why It's The Night Owls That Are Less Likely To Get Married

 Jann Ingmire, University of Chicago
night owls least likely marry 3 23
People who tend to stay up late and wake up late in the morning are different in many important ways from early risers, new research shows. “Night owls, both males and females, are more likely to be single or in short-term romantic relationships versus long-term relationships.

How Russia Is Using Intellectual Property As A War Tactic

 Enrico Bonadio, City, University of London and Alina Trapova, University of Nottingham
 russia invasion 3 23
In early March, the Russian government issued a decree saying that Russian companies are no longer obliged to compensate owners of patents, utility models and industrial designs from “unfriendly” countries.

How Much Tuna Can You Eat Before You Need To Worry About Mercury?

 Simon Apte and Chad Jarolimek, CSIRO
 is tuna healthy 3 23
For as little as A$1 a tin, canned tuna is an excellent, affordable source of protein, polyunsaturated fats and other nutrients. A tin of tuna is significantly cheaper than many types of fresh meat or fish.

Why Taller People May Be More Likely To Get Colorectal Cancer

 Caslon Hatch, Johns Hopkins University
taller people health 3 23
Taller adults may be more likely than shorter ones to develop colorectal cancer or colon polyps that can later become malignant, a new meta-analysis shows.

What Scientists Know So Far About Deltacron

 Luke O'Neill, Trinity College Dublin
 deltacron 3 23
In many countries, as restrictions lift and freedoms are restored, there’s a general feeling that the pandemic is over. There is, however, still the significant concern that a dangerous new variant could emerge.

Daily Inspiration: March 23, 2022

 Marie T, Russell,
a young boy examining a flower on a bush 
Our guidance can come in many ways. Sometimes it's from the people we know, yet at other times it comes as a whisper in the wind...

Should You Take Melatonin To Help You Sleep?

 Lourdes M. DelRosso, University of Portsmouth
 taking melitonan 3 22
The day-night regulation properties of melatonin and light make them the two key factors in the establishment of the internal sleep-wake clock, or what is called the “circadian cycle”.

Did You Have Covid and Not Realize It?

 Ashwin Swaminathan, Australian National University
having had covid 3 22
Given the ubiquitous presence of this highly infectious coronavirus in our community and the high rate of asymptomatic illness, those who have not been diagnosed with COVID might wonder, “how would I know if I had been infected?” And, “does it matter if I have?”.

How To Cope With War News Other Than Turning It All Off

 Nilufar Ahmed, University of Bristol
coping with bad news 3 22
Research shows that even short exposure to bad news can lead to increased levels of worry and anxiety that can be long lasting. Bad news can also perpetuate negative thinking, which can lead to feeling caught in a loop of distress.

Daily Inspiration: March 22, 2022

 Marie T, Russell,
a man with arms outstretched surrounded by atoms on beams of light 
When we think of ourselves, we tend to identify with our body. We are of a certain age, weight, build, hair color, skin color, etc. Yet we are so much more than our body.

How People Find Freedom And Joy In Their Gardens

 Amy Quinton, University of California Davis
finding joy in the garden 3 21
Gardening should be thought of as a public health need, one that could serve communities in future pandemics or disasters. We need to change the narrative of how urban gardening is framed and elevate it to a key strategy for both environmental and public health...

Repeated Coral Bleaching Leaves Wildlife With Few Options

 Jodie L. Rummer and Scott F. Heron, James Cook University
 climate destruction coral reefs 3 21
To our horror, another mass coral bleaching event may be striking the Great Barrier Reef, with water temperatures reaching up to 3? higher than average in some places.

How To Better Manage Your Emotions And Mental Health

 Joanne Bower, University of East Anglia
 get hold of your emotions 3 19
Two main brain regions interact to create emotional responses. The first is the limbic system, which is located deep in our brain. This acts as our emotion centre, quickly evaluating a situation and helping us to decide how to react.

Should We Raise Carbon Prices To Fight Climate Change

 University of Copenhagen
carbon pricing 3 21
Implementing carbon prices that reflect the true social costs of CO2 emissions through climate damages remains a key challenge for policy makers around the world.

Daily Inspiration: March 21, 2022

 Marie T, Russell,
a still life with flowers, a pocket watch, and shells 
Staying present sounds like it should be an easy thing to do, but it makes sense that we get caught up in the past or the future. After all...


At The Brink

While, we at InnerSelf, try to present an inspiring and positive view of life and events, at times, an approach is needed that is a bit more harsh when the truths are glaring and need to be addressed. That is what this section At The Brink does: shed light on issues that are urgent for humanity and the planet. 

 Why Dixie Is The New Tornado Alley

 Ernest Agee, Purdue University
tornado alley is moving 3 27
Studies do show tornadoes getting more frequent, more intense and more likely to come in swarms. The most intense and longest-lasting tornadoes tend to come from what are known as supercells...

The Psychology Behind Putin's Destructive Leadership

 Magnus Linden, Lund University and George R. Wilkes, King's College London
putins pet dog 3 27
Russia’s descent into repression under Vladimir Putin reached a tipping point with his decision to invade Ukraine. During this full-scale, unlawful military invasion, he has threatened any country trying to intervene with harsh consequences, which some worry may involve nuclear weapons.

How The Ukraine Refugee Crisis Exposed Racism

 Philip S. S. Howard, Bryan Chan Yen Johnson, Kevin Ah-Sen, et al (McGill University)
ukraine invasion racism 3 27
Reporters have documented dehumanizing treatment against international students from Africa, South Asia and the Middle East in Ukraine.

Why We Are Quickly Approaching A Tipping Point Of Collapse

 Caitlin Moore, The University of Western Australia et al
enviironmental collapse 3 25
 From rainforests to savannas, ecosystems on land absorb almost 30% of the carbon dioxide human activities release into the atmosphere. 

Will New Covid-19 Variant Ba.2 Cause Another Wave Of Infections In The US?

 Prakash Nagarkatti and Mitzi Nagarkatti, University of South Carolina  26 March 2022
covid subvariant
A new omicron subvariant of the virus that causes COVID-19, BA.2, is quickly becoming the predominant source of infections amid rising cases around the world.

Ticks and the Mysterious Heartland Virus In Georgia

 Carol Clark, Emory University
ticks spreading heartland virus 3 25
Heartland virus is circulating in lone star ticks in Georgia, scientists find, confirming active transmission of the virus within the state.

The History Behind The Russian Victim Myth

 Robert Frost, University of Aberdeen
Kyivan Rus 3 25
Russian president Vladimir Putin sees his country’s history as providing the essential justification for the war he is waging against the Ukrainian people.

Why Conservative Parts of the U.S. Are So Angry

 Mike Males, YES! Magazine
inequality in rural america 3 23
Republican America is poorer, more violent, and less healthy than Democratic America. But Republicans’ blame is misplaced.

Can War Bring America Back From The Brink

 Jason Opal, McGill University
wa bring back 3 22
At the start of 2022, the right to vote, the rule of law and even the existence of facts seemed to be in grave peril in the United States.

Record-smashing Heatwaves Are Hitting Antarctica and The Arctic Simultaneously

 Dana M Bergstrom, University of Wollongong, et al
 extreme heat in arctic 3 22
Record-breaking heatwaves hit both Antarctica and the Arctic simultaneously this week, with temperatures reaching 47? and 30? higher than normal.


This Week's Astrological Overview

Horoscope: Week of March 28 - April 3, 2022

 Pam Younghans, NorthPoint Astrology
The Heart Nebula 
This weekly astrological journal is based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.

Horoscope: Week of March 28 - April 3, 2022 (Video)


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