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 A life-celebrating imagination can artistically diversify life, seeding new sensitivities and movements into lines of thought and emotional coronas. Imagination may, of course, also add great beauty, hope, and inspiration to cultures. But when, on the other hand, a mental mode of living distorts or oppresses the core values of the social brain, fractal scaling into substance may sadly corrupt and undermine society.

A true cooperation between heart and mind embeds the person in a social reality that is mostly intuited. We guess our way through life, and often need to seek affirmations. Dislocation of the mental system of organisation from the social one, however, may distort the potential creativity that arrives through social feedback above and below the orientation horizon.

A mental informenergy system within the cortico-cortical feedback loops can generate imaginations, daydreams, and dreams that are neither orientated in space, time, and social reality, nor derived from real-time sensory inputs. Such imaginations can turn into vain hopes, obsessions, delusions, and hallucinations. They can leave people vulnerable to manipulation by others of wounding intent.

Vulnerability arises from lack of insight into how to embed one’s own personal life-enhancing values into one’s own inner heart. Then others who know how to seed theirs into the hearts of others can do so, perhaps to gain power over them.

Modifying Names

One method of manipulation or bullying is to modify the names that alert a person’s heart and awaken them to renewed life. To honour someone who has been outstanding, people might add ‘The Great’ to their name, thus extending the ‘trace’ in history to those who read or hear about this signature life later. More sadly, the same is true if people want to caricature someone they dislike by ‘calling them names’, to reduce their trace in the neighbourhood.

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However, inspiring people to creative arts and crafts and dance is one way to restore the storytelling heart of a person to reshape their life. Through movement that stabilises their inner ecology stories in clear timeframes, people become more inclined to reconnect into mutual resonance with others, which is the healing process.

Distorting the Body Image

Another method of manipulation is through distorting the body image that someone constructs, adding doubt and hesitancy when that body image speaks of a person’s changing qualities of relatedness. Disliking body image leads to internal dissociation, unhelpful anticipations, and distortion of values.

Body image is a cognitive veil that covers heart-level synergies with anticipations. If that body image includes isolation or hurt or disappointment rather than connectedness, then behavioural problems may follow. If an improved understanding and naming of personal values can be heard by an emotionally available adult, then relational responsiveness around named values may start to restore healthy adaptability and systemic wholeness, altering body image secondarily.

Becoming Life-Aware

As people become more life-aware, the synergy of restorative relatedness is accessible everywhere. If brave to enquire, a conversation could spark enough synergy to enlighten new paths that, in time, may restore hope and deepen relationships.

People need to call on each other’s name to attract attention, so that transformation can follow. Even those people who are hurt can call on a name for help, changing the story.

Copyright 2024. All Rights Reserved.
Adapted with permission of the publisher.

Article Source:

BOOK: Clearing a Way

Clearing a Way: Unveiling the Mental Tricks That Hide Reality
by Trevor Griffiths.

book cover of Clearing a Way by Trevor Griffiths.Dr Griffiths takes a deep look at how our brains trick us into seeing the surface of things so that we lose sight of the deep relatedness on which our survival as groups will increasingly depend.

Many astonishing insights follow: How to make better life-enhancing choices when environments crumble and population shifts disrupt our ways of living. The human inner heart is restored over mind, to its central place, as personal values reshape the future.

For more info and/or to order this book, click hereAlso available as a Kindle edition.

About the Author

photo of Trevor GriffithsTrevor Griffiths is an author, New Science philosopher and international speaker on healthy adaptability. For the past two decades, Trevor has taught people of all ages how to create inner clarity and become masters of their emotions. His aim: to prevent mental ill health and socially disruptive behaviour, and to promote personal growth after traumatising change.

His framework, Emotional Logic, is taught in schools and social healthcare settings around the globe. The training charity runs independently (, setting Trevor free to challenge the old science materialist influence that has successfully harnessed energy, but corrupted humanity. Emotional Logic has helped him transform his life, it’s helped others transform theirs… and it can help you transform yours, too.

Visit his website at  and visit Emotional Logic at